Airflow DAG: create dag with bash operator!
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Airflow DAG: create dag with bash operator!
#Airflow #AirflowTutorial #Coder2j
========== VIDEO CONTENT 📚 ==========
Today I am going to show you how to create our first dag using the bash operator! By watching this video, you will know:
👉 How to create a dag and set parameters as your need
👉 Define tasks using BashOperator
👉 How to build the task dependencies
You don't have a running Airflow in your local setup? Check out the Apache Airflow 2.0 Installation Tutorials.
========== L I N K S 🔗 ==========
========== T I M E S T A M P ⏰ ==========
00:00 - Launch airflow using docker
01:08 - Remove all the airflow example dags
02:16 - Create our first dag and set the parameters
05:00 - Create dag tasks using bash operator
07:26 - Trigger our first dag run
08:05 - Define multiple tasks for the dag
10:15 - Three different ways to build tasks dependencies
========== Connect with me 👏 ==========
#Airflow #AirflowTutorial #Coder2j
========== VIDEO CONTENT 📚 ==========
Today I am going to show you how to create our first dag using the bash operator! By watching this video, you will know:
👉 How to create a dag and set parameters as your need
👉 Define tasks using BashOperator
👉 How to build the task dependencies
You don't have a running Airflow in your local setup? Check out the Apache Airflow 2.0 Installation Tutorials.
========== L I N K S 🔗 ==========
========== T I M E S T A M P ⏰ ==========
00:00 - Launch airflow using docker
01:08 - Remove all the airflow example dags
02:16 - Create our first dag and set the parameters
05:00 - Create dag tasks using bash operator
07:26 - Trigger our first dag run
08:05 - Define multiple tasks for the dag
10:15 - Three different ways to build tasks dependencies
========== Connect with me 👏 ==========
Airflow DAG: create dag with bash operator!
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