Star vs the forces of evil - I know those eyes / This man is dead [ANIMATIC]

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Music from Count of the monte cristo " I know those eyes this man is dead "
characters from Star vs the forces of evil

From the start this is NOT following things that happened in the musical! This song just fits the mood of Svtfoe for me.
Yes this is STARCO/TOMCO video. Lets bury the hatchet ale love both those ships

Welp i hope u like it cheers

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I love how Tom's third eye betrays his other two by showing his true feelings....Well done


i love how at 1:52 Tom's eyes look away but his third eye looks right at Marco


I love how Tom's third eye reflects his real feeling, even though his other two eyes try to be distant, indiferent, etc...


Marco died. But ended up in the underworld. Ball happens. Star comes as a friend of tom. They see marcos demon spirit. But he doesnt remember them, or doesnt beilive they are real. And they have to come to terms that he is dead, but cant except it, because he is basically still alive.


After the events of bbtbc, Marco found that Star was upset. He never knew why but, did everything in his power to make her happy. He canceled dates with Jackie just to cheer her up. This caused Jackie to be jealous and then they broke up. Marco was heart broken. After she saw Marco so miserable when all she wanted was for him to be happy she fell down a dark path. Marco asked Tom if there was anything he could do to bring the old Star back. Tom struggled to tell him the one way to make her good again. They'd have to use an ancient curse to suck up all the evil and curse it to someone else. To get rid of it for sure was to kill the host they cursed with evil. Marco knew what he had to do. There was no point. He lost Jackie and now Star. Besides its not the first time he was putting himself in danger. By the time Star was back to normal Tom told her everything and she could never not blame herself for Marco's death. Tom felt so bad he brought Marco back, as a ghost, so they could say goodbye. (This is the part where the song plays). Tom blamed himself too for telling Marco the only way to cure Star. And he always wondered why he did that? all for star...
Ps: Dorito feeding someone doritos in the background


interpretation: Star is the first to see Marco. She and Tom have gotten close again, but whatever happened with Marco in the past made them only be friends. Both know they both love(d) Marco, but when Tom sees him he stops star and is in denial, the pain from his slowly healing heart being renewed at the sight of this colder version of their human friend. Marco leaves, leaving more questions at the dance


so...the blood moon ball comes every 667 years...Marco. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW.


The whole vid is a metaphor for Tom's and Star's feelings for Marco. Now that he is with jackie everything is bad for their realationship. They are sad and want their freind back. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION GUYS, IT SAYS ALL THE STUFF U NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE STORY XOD


First I was like: "oh god this is gonna make me cry."

Then I was like: "Wait... is that Bill? *rewinds* It is! Bill my man! Long time no deal. How be those Doritos?"

And then i was like: "yep I was right. There goes my heart."


Lol I like how Bill x Dipper and Marceline x bubblegum are included at the start of the video.
Oh and I can't forget Viktor and Yuuri.


It's interesting that Tom's singing, and instead of the Count's denial of his own identity (like in the play) Tom is denying that the person they love, Marco, has returned to them.

If you made up a more detailed story to this I'd like to know it. :)


I think my heart cracked just a little when tom said "and those who then moved on"


Oh my gosh this was so clever! I love how you changed it so Tom was also singing and the two were mourning of Marco together. This was great!!


0:10 oh, look Evil Dorito's still alive


I find that this breakup between the three of them was the hardest for Tom because he tom cry if it wasn't a big toll on him?

another thing I noticed that is just a little thing that a TomMarco shipper was when he said "those he loved"....Tom was the one Marco said it to 😊😊😊


This was awesome! I really loved this! I loved how both of them were drawn to Marco, even as they felt defeated in their loss of him...and acknowledged that defeat.


I was so confused as to why they were both sad until I read your description. In all honesty I love both ships and respect them, if not all.
It makes me sad to watch them both in pain as I love them dearly. It's a tragedy so see two broken hearts seeking comfort where they won't find it. I want to be mad at Marco but at the same time cannot find the strength.
Though this is the first thing I've watch from you I can tell you are a very talented artist and hope to see more. Good luck with whatever you maybe working on now or in the late future. Bye Dove.


YAAAAY! It's a polyship! I LOVE IT


This is also Tomco?! Damn this makes me look at it in a whole new light.

Thank you


I remember I wrote this theroy a long time ago but I wanted to add something.

After the events of bbtbc, Marco found that Star was upset. He never knew why but, did everything in his power to make her happy. He canceled dates with Jackie just to cheer her up. This caused Jackie to be jealous and then they broke up. Marco was heart broken. After she saw Marco so miserable when all she wanted was for him to be happy she fell down a dark path. Marco asked Tom if there was anything he could do to bring the old Star back. Tom struggled to tell him the one way to make her good again. They'd have to use an ancient curse to suck up all the evil and curse it to someone else. To get rid of it for sure was to kill the host they cursed with evil. Marco knew what he had to do. There was no point. He lost Jackie and now Star. Besides its not the first time he was putting himself in danger. By the time Star was back to normal Tom told her everything and she could never not blame herself for Marco's death. Tom felt so bad he brought Marco back, as a ghost, so they could say goodbye. (This is the part where the song plays). Tom blamed himself too for telling Marco the only way to cure Star. And he always wondered why he did that? all for star...
Afterwards Star plans to find a way to bring back Marco using the multiverse and asking Father time (i think) to go back in Time to get Marco back. Finding that in all Multiverses Marco dies or at least traded his soul to Tom she tells father time to walk backwards, hopefully enough to stop Marco. In her attempts at this she has lost almost all hope. With glossaryk, the book, and Marco gone she ultimately tries the spying spell to break the barrier to get glossaryk. Instead she finds Toffee taking over the body of Ludo and Toffee tells Star a way for Marco to be here once again. But the price to pay was her soul. Toffee kept the offer up just in case she changed her mind. Star came back to earth while greeted by Jackie angrily blaming me on Marco's death although it was months ago (including the Mr and Mrs Diaz). Knowing that if she traded her soul to him, Marco would be happy with his life, his family and his gf so there was no need of Star anymore. She accepted Toffee's deal and he resurrected Marco and in his place Star was gone. Now the ultimate chase begins. Marco and Tom work together to find Star but instead found Toffee playing with herlike a puppet on strings (which is what she looked like. No soul, empty eyes and no emotion whatsoever. Even her hearts were broken and dull). Marco angrily throws his sword at Toffee (now in his true form). It didn't miss but he is the immortal monster so he didn't die. Queen Butterfly found out and stepped into the battle, challenging Toffee. What Toffee didn't know was that the spell used to cleave his finger can kill him entirely, undoing all his evil doing. Cheesy ending but it'd make for a pretty weird and intriguing episode.

DOGROM I know this is a metaphor but I had to add this
