Tibet, the path to Wisdom | SLICE | Full documentary

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Ani Rigsang has chosen a nomadic lifestyle in the land of white clouds. The Buddhist nun felt confined in Lhasa, and so today she has taken to the road to reconnect with her country’s spiritual traditions, which are now threatened by rapid modernisation and the reinforcement of Chinese control over the region.

From snowy mountains to green valleys, from monastery to monastery, this documentary accompanies Ani as she makes her way through Tibet. A moving testimony that brings together age-old traditions and legends, this film takes us through stunning landscapes, revealing to us a contrasting Tibet, jostled by modernisation and the upheavals of its holy geography.

Documentary: “Tibet, the path to wisdom”
Direction: Hamid Sardar
Production: DreamCatcherMotionProductions, les gens bien productions for France Télévisions & Ushuaïa TV

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The lines really touched me
"Abandon all the efforts. Find the silence beyond thoughts. Stay there. Just watch. Everything happens naturally"


as a Tibetan, thank you for showing the west our culture and tradition, om mani padme hum


As tears fill my eyes, I'm trying to type in a futile attempt to convey just how powerful and meaningful this film is. It speaks to the part of me that knows beyond all doubt that Ani-la's life is more meaningful than mine will ever be. She's a wandering yogini... wiser and more highly realised than many of us know. What a precious gem she is, and this film. Thank you! 🙏


Some years ago I made a journey toward Mt Kailas, on foot from Simikot in Nepal, along the narrow trail on the north side of the gorge which carries the great Karnali torrent. The days were very uncomfortable for me due to the heat and altitude, but more so for my local guide, who suffered alcoholic anguish after a few days on the trail. At the height of the afternoon he worked the beads of his mala and desperately chanted a mantra. At first I thought he was pathetic, but then I noticed that my way of dealing with the discomfort was to mentally direct scorn at certain world leaders, at people who I felt had wronged me....etc...so I took out my mala, and holding one bead at a time between thumb and index finger, placed my attention on a person, and while voicing the mantra 'om a hum vajra guru, padma sidhi hum', sent the silent message "may the spirit which resides within you, attain enlightenment". My discomfort disappeared, as though this activity took up all of my available attention.
So next day, I continued with it as I hiked, in a methodical way covering each individual of my family, rippling out to work colleagues, acquaintances, the world leaders I had previously cursed, wild creatures I have
At a certain moment, the roar of the Karnali no longer dominated my senses. It was still there, but distant so to speak, as the centre of my attention shifted to another place, where the timeless silence of the world silence beyond thoughts"
I hope this story helps someone.


Free Tibet and let Tibetans live freely .. thank you posting this powerful video.


This isn’t just a documentary. It is a benediction. Truly inspiring and moving. A magisterial piece of work.


I like this quote
"I've chased dreams and fled from demons without realising they have been inside of me this whole time"


What a brave woman to follow her heart like this even when everyone is telling her to quit and go back to her convent. My heart goes out to the Tibetan people struggling to keep their identity as a people and their immense spiritual treasure alive in a hostile world.


“When you reach the place beyond thoughts, the only thing you’ll find is love and the only purpose of life becomes to ease the suffering of others.”

WOW!! Just wow!!


I wish Tibet would forever remain untouched, isolated, protected from any external force or influence. I wish its teachings, its beautiful culture and religion would reach us only by the winds teavelling above its mountains. That way, we would be touched by the beauty of Tibet without ever spoiling it with our dirty feet, dirty hands and dirty minds.


I have to say...the purity and beauty of this woman simply melt my heart. Wish you the best Ani, wherever you are, free spirit!


when I saw the nuns in their tents practicing their secret yoga, the pureness of their acts I burst out in tears. So much beauty, such simplicity!


I am of the Hopi people here in America, I am most amazed by how our peoples connect to the earth in our own ways to serve the same purpose. I set out on a daily to heal the hearts of others. I use the teachings of the Dao as well to bring people to the path of becoming the light.


Being a Tibetan born in India, it is really beautiful and mind healing to see this video..


Tibet is a place I've held in my heart my whole life without even knowing.


Being Tibetan myself born and raised in India. Well I'm a Bon ( Tibetan Oldest Religion) followers, Its really amazing to see such tTibetan Buddhism practices in my home country Tibet, Indeed Thank you SLICE team for sharing.
Peace ;)


As a U.K. Buddhist I thank you for showing the wonder of Tibet and the traditional practices. May I reach Tibet one day and bask in its spiritual glory 🙏🏽😊☸️🕉☸️🕉


For me, Annie is actually the real master who is checking out the levels of wisdom across Tibet.


my favourite 49:35 when you reached the place beyond thoughts, the only thing you'll find is love, and the only purpose of life becomes to ease the suffering of others.


"Abandon all efforts. Find the silence beyond thoughts. Then simply remain."
Most beautiful documentary I've seen in years! A real gem. Thank you! May all beings be happy and free.
