Why I Love America | 5 Minute Video

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Dennis Prager has traveled all over the world. But at the end of every trip, he returns home with a new appreciation for America. Why? Because no country is more open, more generous, and has done more for the cause of freedom than America has.





I am a third-generation American—my parents and my maternal grandmother were born in Brooklyn, New York. But I didn’t know I loved America until my early twenties.

In my third year of college, I studied in England and began a life of travel that eventually took me to one hundred and thirty countries. That was when I began to understand how important America was to the world—and still is. That was when I began to understand how unique America was—and still is. That was when I began to appreciate the decency of the American people.

Being away from America for a year, spending the Christmas season in Morocco, where there was no Christmas season, and ending the year with a month in the Soviet Union, where there was no freedom—this all had a life-changing impact on me. I realized how lucky I was to be an American. I even realized how much I simply enjoyed being an American.

I'll explain:

1. How important America is to the world.

Without in any way diminishing the enormous sacrifices made by England and France, it was America’s entry into World War I that made the defeat of Imperial Germany possible and ended that horrible war. It was America that made the Allied victory possible in World War II and kept Western Europe free during the Cold War. Thirty-seven thousand Americans died fighting the North Korean and Chinese communist regimes. Were it not for America, all of Korea would have no human rights and would endure the mass torture, starvation, and murder that have been routine in North Korea until today.

The next time you hear the lie that America fought in Vietnam for colonialist reasons, ask that person: Why did America fight in Korea? I’ll tell you why: to stop the spread of communism, the greatest genocidal and totalitarian ideology in history, and thereby enable more than half of Korea to live in freedom. Another fifty-eight thousand Americans died in Vietnam to enable the South Vietnamese to live in the same freedom America made possible for South Koreans. Neither Vietnam nor Korea had any natural resources that America wanted. Americans died in those two countries solely so that their people could be free.

And, without diminishing the role of the great British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, and the great pope, John Paul II, it was America that ended communism in the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, and liberated, among other nations, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

2. America is unique.

America is the only country that was founded not on a race, ethnicity, or nationality, but on an idea: limited government—because the founders of America believed, first and foremost, in liberty. America became the freest country in world history, which is why France gave the Statue of Liberty to one country: America.

And America has given more liberty and opportunity to more people from more nations than any country in world history.

Yes, America allowed slavery in half of its states. But every society in the world practiced slavery. What rendered America unique is that Americans killed one another in its bloodiest war to abolish slavery and that it eventually became the least racist multiracial country in history. It remains the only white-majority country to have ever elected a black leader. And Africans know how good America is, which is why, by the 1980s, more black Africans had come to America voluntarily as immigrants seeking freedom and opportunity than ever came as slaves.

Рекомендации по теме

I love America too. I'm proud to call this country my home.


My first paternal ancestor arrived in August 1638. I'm 11th generation and 2 more came after me. My family roots are thoroughly American. I love America, this is my home!


I am mexican, USA is not perfect but is best the world have to fight for freedom


I am a Mexican-American, both my parents came to the US with nothing. Didn’t know the language and somehow they became successful farmers, the own a ranch and my dad owns a roofing company. I love my country because it gives us the opportunity to work for our things and we have the freedom of religion. God Bless the United States of America 🇺🇸.


I’m a first generation American coming from Mexican parents up until my late 20’s I always presented myself as Mexican because that was what my family had told me that I was Mexican. As I started watching your videos Mr Prager I saw that I was as American as my white neighbor that America wasn’t a race it was an idea. I love this country so much it has giving so much to me that it hurts me to see people compare their countries to it saying their home country is better then America but that is one of the beauties of this wonderful nation you can insult my country you can insult my flag and you have the guaranteed right of not being punished for it where other countries would arrest you for speaking badly against the Gov’nt. I love this great Nation and I am glad that I have grown to appreciate her more and I have convinced some of my family members that this is our home and we must stop letting ourselves be fooled by politicians who want to destroy this blessed country. God bless everyone have a wonderful day and GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


I am a Filipino and I agree with Mr Prager 100% The principles that America has promoted/and the blood they sacrificially shed for others has done and continues to do more good than any opposing thesis.


My coworker is from Cuba, and I asked him what it likes to live there. He said it communism. He hated it. He will never go back to Cuba because there’s no freedom for him. As an American I’m more happy to see him happy working here and living here in America. He said don’t let America become a communist country. God bless America. I’m David Santillan, and I’m a proud Hispanic-American. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I'm from South Korea. I appreciate America. Thanks to America, I can live in democracy and freedom country. God bless America


America gave me everything and for that I am grateful.


I'm Bengali-Swedish, born to Bangladeshi parents in Sweden. Although I was raised up in Sweden and did all I could to live in harmony and side by side with both cultures and live up to Swedish cultures and values, I was never fully seen as a Swede despite growing up side by side with ethnic Swedish kids many whom I've been great friends with, yet silent discrimination always prevailed no matter how hard I worked and respected the natives. It was so depressing that my only choice was to conform sacrificing one detrimental part of my background just to live on here in Sweden.
Why did I have to be exactly like everyone else? I respect them, I worked hard to aquire the education so that my children will not have to go through the same difficulties. I was ridiculed for valuing the impotance of family by my Swedish peers who wanted me to live on a soulless lifestyle that is different from what I was taught by my parents, I told them it wasn't my thing and never appealed to me. Yet, they would cast me as an outsider for not agreeing with them. Sweden is a hivemind country unfortunately contrary to many beliefs, and unfortunately many countries in the world is like this where you get cancelled for being or thinking different despite doing all you can to respect other ideas and cultures and what not. Americans, especially those who cry about race problems have no idea how lucky they are and how proud they should be, yes there were times when racial killings were committed but that was another age and Americans have moved forward as one people from many backgrounds who value hard work, freedom and opportunity. Dwight Eisenhower once said "May we know unity-without conformity", a quote that will live on until the day I die and truly sums up America despite the divisions we see today.

In 2011 my parents had saved just enough money for us to go on a transatlantic trip for the first time. It was my first time visiting the states and I will never forget that trip. We visited New York City and instantly my attitude changed as I was surprised how I for the first time felt confident being myself and I never felt like an alien unlike in Sweden the country of my origin. The generosity of the everyday Americans on the street, in the shops, restaurants subway stations was beyond anything I've seen elsewhere.. They were people of all backgrounds, poor, rich, divorced, married, old, young black, white, asian, latino and what not. The people, the ideas, and the courage and confidence that Americans have, especially the fact that they are never afraid to express their thoughts truly inspired me to come to America now almost 10 years later. It's a country I truly think lives up to its values no matter what your ethnic/national origin is and where liberty is truly absolute. I fell in love with America, everyday since the day I set my last footstep on American ground at JFK, I've been daydreaming about studying in America. I've observed it for the last 10 years . During the most difficult times I had here in Sweden when classmates and teachers doubted me the most, my experience in America inspired me to never give up and rise up from failures and try again again and again until I would succeed.

Today my confidence is greater than it has ever been, the world is my playing ground and I see America as a gateway to the rest of the world, it's the center of technological progress, entertainment, trends, freedom and what not. America is the reason I am no longer afraid to meet new people from different parts of the world, the reason I am no longer afraid of expressing my beliefs instead confident in what I truly value.

I am currently applying to a number of universities in America, I want to give back something to this country be it through education, words or experience because America gave something to me to realize I had a purpose in life and that nobody can take a way anything that's part of me.

Thank you America, God bless the USA.


"From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam, GOD bless America! My home sweet home!!!


America may not be perfect but her constitution and amazing history is why I love her!


My parents immigrated here from India. They lived a tiny two bedroom apartment. I am thankful that this country has given my parents and I the opportunity to live in such a privileged country 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


I'm a proudly Egyptian and I'm obsessed and in love with the USA. I hope one day I will make it to the USA to see with my own eyes how beautiful the USA is.
Keep up the good work, Americans.
Keep up the faith, y'all. ❤🇺🇸❤🇪🇬


Im English, annd proud to be so, but I have a deep love and respect for America and its contribution to the modern world, particularly her achievements in music, arts, science and technology. When i was in my 20's I quit my job, rented my house and went back backing across the States. It was the most wonderful time of my life. I didn't know how special those experience, people and places would become to me as I got older. Im now a middle aged man, and I can say that year of travel gave me more education and life experiences than I'd known my entire life.
Im also very proud of the close bond we have between Britain and the States..Its not always easy or comfortable, but that's always the same with family.
Our grandfathers fought and died on the beaches together. Our sons and daughters married and built new lives, and to them, we owe an unpayable debt for the freedoms that the left disavow.
I love the States.
If i could, I'd have no problem moving to the States..hmmm..If only I could find a cute American woman...


One day I will call America my home. Wish me luck.


I am South Korean. I am able to comment on this video primarily thanks to the 37, 000 US soldiers that gave their lives to defend this nation. And I will spread this message until the day I die.


America the Beautiful is the greatest country on Earth.


As imperfect america may be, it is still better than other countries where you can't even live with our privileges such as drinking water or peaceful life. Poor farmers may find peace in their life without them but their life is a daily struggle


I'm not an American, but lived in OR for almost two years, and definitely I cannot agree more with Dennis. God bless you America!
