Room Database - Database Class

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In this video, we will see how we can glue everything we have created so far, from entities, DAOs, and converters, and how you can provide an instance for your database, so other app components get access to it and use it to manipulate data.

Room is a Jetpack Persistence library; it provides an abstraction over SQLite, which you can use to save data locally on your device, especially for delivering an offline experience for your users.

In This video series, I demonstrate the basic features of Room Library, starting with the setup, adding entities and Daos, creating converters and database, and completing with some of the Best practices such as Clean Architecture, Repository pattern, and Testing.

👨🏽‍🏭 Who I am:
I'm Younes Charfaoui, a Junior Software Engineer and an Android Developer. I make videos about Android development, Technology, and Productivity for software engineers.

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Wonderful work!! I like how you publicly show us the error you face and how you solve them. Authentic👌
