[3.24] Farming Tier List - New Player Strats, T16 Strats, & T17 Strats

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In this video, I list 10 different farming methods I believe to be strong in 3.24 depending on the strength of your character and if you are magic find.

All Back to Basic Strats: (Barrels, 8 Mod, Boss Rush, T16 Divination)





Raw Video of 90 Second Barrels:

For other Atlas Tree, find somewhere else.

Like most POE players, I am waiting for 3.25 to get fully back into POE, but in the meantime, if you by chance are interested in making a Strength Stacking build IRL (gym/lifting) or interested what my face looks like, I started a new channel to track my lifting progression.
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I believe 90-105 second per map barrel farming with 50+ scarab and 50+ currency map rolls is double the currency per hour of any currency farm in the game right now if you account for bulk buying and selling, divination card turn ins, and map rolling. You do not need to be very strict about rolling these maps as again, the goal is to run as many maps as possible per hour. Hopefully barrels get nerfed next league. The tierlist is for in-league currency. Multiply by 2-3x for standard.

Like most POE players, I am waiting for 3.25 to get fully back into POE, but in the meantime, if you by chance are interested in making a Strength Stacking build IRL (gym/lifting) or interested what my face looks like, I started a new channel to track my lifting progression.


Awesome content as usual :) bit jealous on that build of yours. Keep up the good job bro!


After a few days of testing, a fun and profitable option is strongbox farming with Containment, Discernment, Hidden Compartments, and Potency (+ optionally the Ambush map device craft for 5 more). Plop those in with some Crimson Temple or Defiled Cathedral (or whatever other map you like for its card drops or length). In can sometimes feel a bit bad in the same way that Crop Rotation can with dry streaks, but killing boatloads of mobs very quickly for big loot spikes is something players new and old will always enjoy doing


Agree with everything

Ggg's stance has so far been a high return on high investment, but the mystery is completely against it


Looking forward to your guide about the S-Tier strat😊👍


What combinations of scarabs have you tested and what were the best results in your opinion? Great job !


Ultimatum catalyst farm feels pretty strong to me with my current setup. 200%+ quant 8 mod corrupted maps (using 8 mod map scarab), 1 bribing, 1 duelling, and 1 catalysing scarab. Do exarch altars for genetic loot drops, get a fair amount of fortresses, and roughly 100+ catalysts per map. Not really sure what the hourly rate is but I'm sure it's at least 20 div/hr minimum


Would you recommend running t16 maps for beast farming strats? iirc higher tier maps dilute the pool of beasts more, would be interested in your thoughts on this.

Great video! keep up the good work.


if my spell only target enemies and not barrel, do you know of a way to open them without doing it manually and then dying cause they explodes ?


Yo by any chance do you have any tips on what farming strategy should i use on a build like shield crush berserker in 3.25 ?


Incredible how Alva + Beats is so still underrated. I love it. Alva is not even mentioned in here lol


any strong opinions on strongboxes? I've just been goofing around with boxes and scarabs since you can spawn your allflame mobs from the boxes and just praying for decent stuff. Had a vaal temple with most of the ambush set of scarabs and I must've opened ~60 strongboxes due to repeat opens and the scarabs.


Thank you for this very informative video but I highly suggest you mention, whether in title or description, that your result is based on Standard. I am confused because the statitics is very different to my experience. Then I noticed this is Standard. The price is very different between Standard and League. For example, in your 40 mins barrel farming video, beastry scarab of duplicating and harvest scarab of doubling is almost 1/5 of the profit. They are 40c and 44c in Standard and guess what are the prices in League? 1c and 3c. Your ranking is convicing based on my personal experience of several strats, but the distribution (also the number) of profit is very different.


I'm running barrels myself with decent results, but I used to only use 2 barrel scarab with one nemesis and one traitor.
If you use 3 of em, what's your fourth? nemesis or traitor (assuming it is one of these)?


I see that you have Singular Focus on your B2B Atlas tree, what map(s) are you favouring? Just whatever's currently pricey or is there a specific map?


With the T17 B2B barrel strat you mentioned, you said you run 3 Barrel Scarabs but didn't mention the 4th scarab you use, does the last scarab matter or can it be literally anything?


on your in league character, how do you deal with no regen or leech maps? trying to get my mana cost as low as possible but even with - mana crafts and inspiration ill still have about 10-14 mana cost


I love people underestimating beast farming, cuz it allows me and some others to come in with like 700% movespeed, do maps in half a minute and make more 40div per hour (I'm going against my own data with this cuz that suggests over 60). No setup, no map rolling, barely any passive points, no favorite slots, no voidstones, no damage, no tankiness. (you do have to get at least a quad tab of maps per batch, but there are methods even beyond just buying them)


Are you running these in standard?and what‘s the favourate maps you use for curation strat?


what are some of the better budget t17 farmers if i skip the boss for the barrel farm?

I have a progenesis and mageblood, i could farm 150 divines pretty easily but whats a build that can speed clear t17s with such a limmited budget?

edit: current characters i have geared include a dead eye bow build for legion farming, rf cheiftant for exploding high pack size, DD necro to tank horrible damage mods and a hexblast trickster for sanctum
