Calvinism, part 3: Is Lordship Salvation True?

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Episode 117 of Bible Questions & Answers

We pray this message will further your understanding of God's word and equip you to better serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for studying with us!

"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." ~ Philippians 1:9-11
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Dear Saint of God, thank you all wounderfull truth working out salvation through all valuable teaching, let's keep going. Thank you, your saving many.


Brother Dave what i have learned about Lordship Salvation is #1 it changes the Gospel #2 It places an impossible burden upon the unsaved #3 It confuses Justification with Sanctification #4 It Confuses the results of with the requirement for Salvation #5 It fails to make basic Dispensational Distinctions #6 it Ignores the realty of a Carnal Christian life. #7 it destroys the assurance of Salvation. All of this I have learned from you and Dr. Andy Woods of Sugarland Bible Church, who also teaches Dispensationalism to the core.


Amen! Thank you David. Such a critical message, I pray that those who believe in error can hear and accept this message.


Nothing better than sound doctrine today that edifies!!! Thank God for the few that handle the Word of God incorruptible!! Knowing the gospel of my salvation today has made me free!! 🙏


Been waiting for this teaching! Thank you so much!


Wonderful message!!! Praise GOD for HIS GRACE and Praise GOD for Pastors like you!!!


What baffles me is that this leading theologian whose teachings is the basis of this article on Lordship Salvation, could have by hearted all these scriptures in Paul's epistles which are so simple for even to a layman such as I, but cannot come to accept the simple truths contained therein. Strangely, I have listened to many of his sermons and cannot remember him putting too much emphasis on LS per se. But it is clear that problem lies in the failure to rightly divide the scriptures. This article is a maze of scriptures applicable to kingdom and Age of Grace economies. This is what a slavish adherence denominational teachings could do to us all. I have been through this a few times in my life in my search of the Truth. I thank the Lord for opening my eyes to the simple Truth in the scriptures after being an independent Bible student. I thank Lord that I happened ( surely He guided me) to stumble upon ( finally) a handful of Grace preachers who delve into nity grity of the essentials in the Scriptures to bring out the Truth to us. Thanks brother David, you are one of them.


It is a statement of excellence, the way you document your studies. Thank you very much as it allows us to review and search out more scriptures etc. Rightly dividing is often very easy. YET at other times there is a fine line. Your teaching is very pointed at the dividing of the word.

Trust and faith in the work on the cross, blood, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. He has paid for and purchased us to our salvation and for glorification of the Godhead. AMEN


It always amazes me that all false doctrine always diminishes the Grace of of God and put more value upon men's works.


I agree with this teaching 100%
as a side note I don't like the term easy believeism
here's my reason why...
believing the Gospel of Jesus is not easy, it's hard for people to accept the Jesus raised from the dead on the 3rd day,
if it was easy for people to believe, wouldn't everyone believe it ?'s is completely an act of our faith !!!


Pastor you please do a study on the faith each person has, AND the faith OF Christ ? A comparison teaching ? Maybe you already so, I can scroll back. I thank the Good Lord for your teachings !!! Thank you !!!!


Excellent presentation. I would urge to have every verse in that document, that was used to support Lordship Salvation, addressed and taught in context. But, I know that would dramatically increase the length of the video.

It may be worth it in a future video.


Excellent approach exposing John MacArthur and his false teaching called Lordship Salvation. Using his introductory article, dissecting each paragraph, showing falsehood with God’s Word should bring conviction. 😊


Well done. Would love to hear message on how you would encourage a grace believer to keep “salvation” and “maturing in Christ once saved” two separate things on a daily basis.... not falling into trap of churchianity mind set which tends to say “if your not defeating sin more and more every day then maybe you were never saved”


TO SHARE an after thought and agreement. It is very apparent as "The Truth" is the "NINE DISTINCTIVES" are "WORKS" set up by some men's misinterpretation of the bible. I can't even track my daily every sin. Did I look at that woman wrong? Did I road rage cuss in my mind and not give way? Did I not give to that person need? WAY TOO MUCH for my poor mind to deal with thus it is overworked. THANK YOU DAVID!!!


This is the most dangerous doctrine because it is the one that most resembles the true gospel.


I am dispensational because the Bible is dispensational.


First point of clarification when dealing with a Calvinist lordship fool is “which Gospel!”.
They are mixing the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God together, unless this is understood you will be talking past each other!
Also recognize that since they believe a false gospel you are probably dealing with an unsaved person and salvation of their souls needs to happen before any further theological discussion!


@Columbus Bible Church
Those who have passed on believing this way did they not make it in to Heaven 💔


Repentance is a turning from sin in context of the gospel. For Godly sorrow works repentance unto salvation not to be repented of, but the sorrow of the world works death. The literal meaning is grief or a broken heart, as opposed to a callous heart. When you first heard the gospel about how you are a sinner for harming and defrauding God and others, were you not broken hearted? Did you not then choose to turn from doing evil to walk with God? This is called repentance.
