WHEN WE RAN AWAY TOGETHER II Animated Short Film 2024

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There is compliments that people say, that something is "painting every frame", which is a overexagaration, not literal... but this is literally a painting every frame, incredible.


I'm an animator from Korea. I've been in a bad slump for months. I thought I didn't want to draw animations anymore. But after watching your animation tonight, I was reborn. I applaud your brilliant effort. Thank you, and thank you.


Man, this is certainly hitting close to home. I at 15 decided enough was enough and strapped as many things i could on my bicycle and ran away from home. throughout the 8 years since then, I've had so many adventures, served time in national service, got through college, finally landed myself in uni.

Every time i sit by the windowsill and eat my instant noodles i am reminded that i was so scared to take that first step. I'm glad i did.


The moment when the blonde girl looked at the sky and it was so vast and vibrant and it literally took my breath away and maybe life is worth living after all and maybe I can be happy again someday and experience things that will actually make me want to continue living on-
Thank you. This is so special and so close to home. The bruises on the girl too… I felt this so much


THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! the animation style is geniunly so beautiful... the movements have so much weight and are so real! the 3D shot with the plane was so amazing, you can feel the emotion and the feelings the thrill!!! not to mention the enviorments! it all feels so lived in! so many little details, it really does give you the experience! your style really is so amazing, the painting like blurriness adds to the animation! its so amazing! i cannot even comprehend how long it must have taken to complete one individual frame... you can feel the love and passion poured into this! what a inspiration!


Dude literally life changing. In a time where everyone is scared AI will take artist jobs, you just proved you can created a painted frame by frame animation no AI could ever replicate. This literally so beautiful.


I really want a full story with these 2.

It really captures a vibe that very few pieces of media that I've consumed really have.

I care so much about these two already


I’m 23 years old and 22 years of my life were spent suffering without knowing how much I was actually suffering and had just accepted it. When my partner first learned how my family actually was and wasn’t laughing at the “stories that sound abusive but with context are actually fine” I realized how much I’d truly been suffering and couldn’t take that “life” anymore- everything hurt so much worse without her and one day I realized I couldn’t anymore.
One day, we fled from my state of Missouri in my car- she flew down so I wouldn’t have to drive alone, I picked her up from the airport and we made the trip to Ohio in about a 2 day stretch- sure it was like fleeing from a shitty country- but it felt exactly like this to me. It’s rare to have such an animation affect me so strongly- but it’s true. Saw a spitting image of my partner in the brunette and myself in the blonde- thank you for making such a beautiful resonant work for all of us.


dude? who gave you the right to oh so casually drop the most eye popping "Short Film" I have ever seen...??


this was so beautiful i literally had to stand up and walk around during the sky reveal scene cuz it was so good (i watched this half asleep and it woke me right up lmao), also 0:20, its such a funny feeling to see all these brands of chips that are on shelves in poland, i felt like that one leonardo di caprio meme, but it also makes the video hit twice as hard due to the familiarity (monster munch best)


I cried; this came at the perfect moment. I'm counting down the days and hours until I can be with her and finally leave this horrible place. I can truly see a future where I can start my life


the shot of the sea at 0:47 made me spontaneously start crying. thank you.


this is beautiful! amazing work atena ❤


0:38 The way you even animated the pupils shrinking as the light adjusts... oh my god.... it's so detailed


I'm 19, and I haven't accomplished much. I've always wanted to create, whether it'd be art, animation, or just content creation in general.

Hopefully one day I'll get there, and the fact you were able to create something so beautiful after so many years is amazing.

Keep up the good work man!


it's a crime... how is this only 750K VIEWS after THREE MONTHS?!!! CMOOON THIS DESERVES A MILLION BY


Holy crap. This is beyond amazing and so stupidly impressive. I have a hard time animating a fully black stick figure, but you literally went in an painted every single frame. This is literaly insanity.

Ive always wondered why people didnt do full-detail level of drawings for each frame of animation, but i realized at some point just how much work that would be, you not only have insane dedication, but you created a whole world with interesting characters and im just speechless beyond this.


This is one of my favorite songs and you made an animation that goes SO well with it. Love it so much! The camera movement at 0:39 is so amazing


The image of the blonde girl gazing at the sky filled me with hope. It reminds us that even in darkness, beauty exists, and joy is worth fighting for.


Animation itself is already difficult you need to keep the drawing looks consistent in every frame, but you painted and rendered all the frame with heavenly lightning and colors, lot of brush variations its just so peak so much hardwork you put into making this masterpiece i love this!
