Dharma | Episode 010 Video Game Addiction

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Dharma, or living to a higher cause, can give you the strength to combat video game addiction.

Video game addiction is a massive problem and requires strength. Living to a higher purpose or having a responsibility can give us the strength to overcome video game addiction.

In this video, Dr. Kanojia talks about Dharma from Buddhist philosophy to help video game addiction.


Become a Healthy Gamer!

#MentalHealth #videogameaddiction #internetgamingdisorder
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"I don't know how the fuck it works, it just does." - Dr. K


im indian and have been born in india lived my entire 17 years in india and even though i know the literal meaning of dharma i never understood it, thank u so much dr.k for reconnecting me to my own culture


This is so good. The whole series is criminally underviewed. Great informative, positive tone intermixed with hilarious bluntness. Great presentation


Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl expands on this idea beautifully. If you are pursuing something meaningful then you don't need happiness (or pleasure) because you'll get more than enough satisfaction from your purpose. And you don't need to avoid pain either because you'll be willing to endure suffering for the sake of your greater purpose.


He who has a why to live can bear almost any how - Friedrich Nietzsche


The second part of your response to the question, "how do you find meaning in your life?" is very insightful.

As you say, "Sure, there's no duty you're going to find by going for a hike but the problem with gamers is that the only thing that you use to learn is your analytical mind. There are parts of your self, and parts of your mind, and parts of your brain that are more intuitive, that are more emotional, and you have to give them space".

Yourself and Devin Nash (where I found you from) are my favorite people on youtube right now. Thank you for making these videos and sharing your thoughts.


Just Fantastic. It explains why I can so much at work (I'm an intensive care physician), literally people die if I make a mistake. But in my personal life I don't fell this sense of emergency, so I get stuck.


I started learning the piano one year ago thanks to this video series.
Thank you Dr K, you changed my life ❤️


'Satsang, Service, Meditation'. That's what my guru teaches. Truthful discourse, service to your duty, and regular meditation. When you find your Dharma, your duty, that makes everything fit together.


Bro I'm binge watching the whole series high and I just thought that this was how reasonable and intelligent Buddha must have sounded back in the day. The mellow aside, what this man is saying is a fresh breath in the midst of lockdown season.


This sounds a lot like the Undead prophecy of Dark Souls. And we're all just going Hollow.


Hitler definetly had some gamer in him


"Responsibility gives life meaning."


4:48 sounds sooo good out of context:D


This dude gives an amazing example of himself if you think about it. I presume he considers helping others break their gaming addiction his duty. He finds great meaning in that itself.


I am not a gamer, but Dr. K is literally wonderful. He is so straightforward and makes so much sense. Much love


- You're only entitled to suffering and death
- Running away from suffering only makes the suffering worse
- Know and commit to your Dharma, service to your "duty"
- How to find your Dharma? Write down, journal, engage in experience and question "what's my duty here?"
- Turn off the analytical mind


I'm a substance addict, and I realise my meaning and my duties and I reflect a lot, and I recognise my talents and potential, but I've been addicted to just thinking and analysing and understanding things, and I consider myself something of a problem solver, a philosopher and an amateur therapist, amongst other things good and bad, all the while using marijuana and the unhealthy habits of binging, slothing, chocolate, and procuring more marijuana, and I'm depressed and my confidence has been shattered after I went from feeling the high of both commanding attention or creating a safe haven for everyone who looked like they could use one, and just helping anyone I could out by just being a genuine laddy with my passion for things in college, with my band, and in my interaction with any human being I talked to, known or otherwise; to feeling like I have no one have to have conversations where I can share my soul out (my childhood trauma is putting my needs behind to feel any value for myself, so I don't share my emotional needs, my insecureties, or the shades I've noticed from my shadow, with others), and no one to check up on me, even though I might (?)
Yeah, I just ranted in a YouTube comment section, sue me (pls don't) but I wanted to say that this resonates to me, even as a different class of addict, even though I'm a casual gamer myself, and I feel like I'm about to go into the think tank and write down my dharma after I press send (or don't) [Schrodinger's button] {for me, not for you guys. You'll know}\or not, idk/


This series is amazing! It taught me so many new techniques and life perspectives


Dharma is selfless service without any expectation of power, money, recognition
