Specialize Your Spirituality | Mind & Magick Mailbag 65

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Frater Xavier discusses picking a spiritual lane and sticking to it.

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Frater Xavier is a Western ceremonial magician specializing in esoteric occult magick, tarot, astrology, Kabbalah, Goetia, evocation, sigil magick, and the subconscious mind.

The Mystery School series was developed to assist those seeking esoteric arcane knowledge to further their own magickal practice and self development.

Opening Theme: "Ghost Shirt" by 13 to 1
Used with permission
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The bad things we experience when we are young are part of your lessons

You need to transmute the negativity into light

We are just in a Game what must happen must happen


Frater, very compassionate message. Thank you. I knew a narcissist once who insisted incessantly that even bad things that happened to children were "chosen by them on a soul level", I found that way of thinking not only inhumane and unempathetic but also insane! I belive the narcissist thought that way because they couldn't face themselves and all the evil they had done. This person insisted that there was "no hell" and that all people "went to heaven", including Hitler. I know, crazy, right!?!?! Not that I belive in a hell myself, but it was their way of not holding themselves accountable. But, as you stated, and as I myself have always believed, there is evil in the world and sometimes bad things do happen to good people (good book, BTW) - this is why we must always be vigilant. Thank you for putting it out there that there is no blame for the child when it comes to a child suffering. Many people who need healing from their childhood need to hear that!... if anyone out there reading this had a tough childhood, I want to let you know that you are not alone and that It WASN'T YOUR FAULT! You Matter! And what happened to you was a product of an evil and/or diseased mind, and YOU DID NOTHING WRONG! And, I promise you this, that there is love and good people in the world ❤️ And you are deserving and worthy of love and peace ❤️


I am the echo I am the call of my relations, for one nation great spirit guide us all!


I love synchronicity, maybe another video elaborating on synchronization?


While playing with the Tarot, I found out on accident the Universe or God or the Gods or whomever, really does have a great sense of humor! I had been making light of c***d since its 1st reports. I said it was fake & people are stupid. Makin' jokes all the time like, "Aww man you got it? I been asking to get it for krissmiss or my birthday, I still can't get it!" I tried asking if I should "go to" work, but in my head I saw the sentence as should I "call off" work. The Tarot card was the World card, (I think it was anyway, ) And on the tarot app, I was using displayed, (YES! You've been waiting for something for a long time & you're about to get it! ENJOY!) So I went to the e.r. & saw the doctor right after the Tarot situation guessed it! I laughed so hard the doctor thought I was possibly in need of mental health services as well. And I almost NEVER consult with Tarot, but everytime I do the precision & accuracy is ASTOUNDING!


Oh my God I'm just so happy I find you, ,
I'm a Sagittarius
I've been many trials, , for a long time, I know I wouldn't be who i am today, if I didn't have those trials I will be stuck..& just listening to you it's the confirmation that i needed, , I have forgiven everyone for the bad done to me, , & very unfair, also i forgiven myself .
, ,1 of the big trials that i have to go true, & it lasts till today.
, my older Sister since I was a very young age, she use to do builling on me, ,calling all the bad names in the books, putting me down, , she's 80years old now and still doing it.
I removed myself from being around her, , she manage to put the whole family against me , ,and also many people who doesn't know me like a person..today I'm a Scapegoat, , I keep away from so much toxicity
, ,it's very painful
To be away from the ones we love the most, , but i have to do wath is the best for mim..
I have no anger, our hate, , at all, , I imagine one day she can love me, , I wish all the good possible
I've been practicing it for a while now, , she's a Aries sign.
Fire, ,
I've been doing my best to survive so much adversity
At times IT seams almost unbearable, , I go down & up again.
There is the way
Coz I can't stop loving my family, ,
, ,,I was never in competition with no one, , I am my on person, but i realized, after all I have been more successful in life then her, , despite of So much adversity, , I don't quit, I keep going on with my life
, ,& today I'm very Greatfull for all the trials & lessons, & for all I have, , I thank to my teachers, , who made me learn & grow with this wisdom.., I'm still learning & descovering more.
, ,I wish to pass it on to other's.
, this great wisdom.
Gains, with alot of
Deep pain.
, but today I see better, I understand better
, I'm very grateful


I asked for a success story and I got one. Thank you for sharing.


I thank you for answering my question. It's quite the synchronicity, but you answered my question the second week after I finished the marathon of Mystery School. (YES! I finally caught up! ).

As you observed none of the people I mentioned were over 18 I found myself coming to a similar to conclusion that due to their youth, they were vulnerable to the moral failings of the adults around them.

About contradictory beliefs: what is your thought on Chaos Magic? One recurring theme seems that highly skilled practitioner has the ability to change beliefs on a dime to best suit the operation. One day one could be a fanatical Norse Heathen, another day a Christian mystic to a LaVey (pseudo) Satanist later on. Do you think such a flexible mindset is possible? If so, beneficial or detrimental?


If you were to get the repeated message 'NO WATER' what would your course of action be?


I have asked this question before but I would appreciate it if somebody would be kind enough to email freighter on my question. Can you please talk about magicians with disabilities and what pros and cons they have whether it's a physical disability like not being able to see or hear or having some sort of mental disability. For example I am legally blind so if I try to do ceremonial magic it's very hard for me to keep everything in order and draw elaborate and precise symbols. I struggle a lot with doubting myself whether it's creating my own spells or simple things like doing condom Magic to try and communicate with a spirit. I guess the doubt comes from me being legally blind but I'm not sure. I am curious of how I can tell a spirit is really trying to communicate with me or even answers me at all or if it's just a coincidence like a YouTube algorithm if a spirit communicates with me through my phone or something like that because it has been previously searched on YouTube before. What advice could you give a legally blind man to help with his practice of getting results in magic whether it be the law of attraction or just getting into Communications with spirits in order to make things manifest in my life? If anybody can give me any advice at all on this subject I would greatly appreciate it on what advice you could give a blind man that I should practice to be able to communicate with Spirits or have results when


I actually describe people as npc, me and my love ones are players.


I feel so bad now, I used to laugh that the barber is an npc :(


Hi frater, i previously purchased love and loss protect and defense and many more can you help me figure out where to retrieve them as im using a new phone now and really need the info to finish my i emailed you about this but thought you may not get to it in good time email address begins with hope you can
