The Search for Odin - ROBERT SEPEHR

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In the pre-Christian pagan religion of the Scandinavian and Northern Germanic people, Odin is the ruler of the Aesir, the principal race of gods and goddesses in Norse mythology. Archeologist and historian Thor Heyerdahl speculated that Odin, commonly thought of today as a mythical Norse god, was a historical person who founded the Norwegian-Swedish royal dynasty.

European Pre-History and the Oera Linda Book

5 Epic Viking Stories - ROBERT SEPEHR

Esoteric Pagan Anthropology

Runes and Ancient Germanic History

The Search for Odin is the project title of Thor Heyerdahl's last series of archaeological excavations. His intention was to prove the validity of the Icelandic sagas written in the 13th century about the Norse royal dynasties, and the pre-Christian Norse gods.

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author

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"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." ~ George Orwell


Each new video helps me realize that the history we know isn't just wrong, it is purposely hidden and buried to make us feel insignificant.


Wow. I am a Germanic Heathen by blood and by faith, and this video is extremely eye opening. Thank you so much for this.


These videos are like.. the best part of my day. I’m sitting at the beach reading the illad.. and I’ll make sure I’m home relaxing at 7:30 for this video lol. Your a master Robert. Thank you for your service to all of us.


Odin seems to match Celtic Lugus, all farther, from here on is my personal interpretation: he's a magnificent chieftain, who loved and valued knowledge, didn't fear war, loved nature, ambitious leader.. from the stories and names i guess he is the father of all western Europeans (major 2 r1b branches: germans, gauls or continental and islands celts) this great man was so influential and special so he became a legend.
We love what he loved, we inherited a lot from him, our tanks are his 8 legs horse, like him we love iron, his spear is our projectiles, his 2 ravens memory and thought are our satellites, his 2 wolves are the mechanical robots being built these days. This group of men love nature instead of fearing it, fearless in wars, and willing to pay any price for knowledge and development. With all respect to other races.
I'm proud of our all father Odin


People have a tendency to exaggerate and oversell the lives of their heroes, so it made sense to me that "Gods" of old myths could have been real people. Even in very recent times the title of Divine/ God Emperor was ascribed to leaders in Asia such as Japan.


Peace all. Keep your balance in these times


For those who are wondering, it is the Ynglinga Saga, the first book in Heimskringla, that documents the Nordic migration from Asgard to Sigtuna, Sweden. It’s a great read.




I hear that acoustic Burzum. Perfect :D


So here is a fun fact. I was born in Rostov-on-Don. When I was a kid we would go to a school trips to a archeological site near the town that was named Tanais. There we would learn about archery, horse riding and how the people of old age use to live there. Today, I learn about how river Don use to be called Tanais and river Volga - Ra. I also found out recently about how in modern Russia official history is completely made up. How Romanov family were shaping in all possible ways the truth about history of Russian land and people who lived there. It is great that you touch on those subjects Robert. Keep up the good work!


Power is Only Given To Those Willing To Lower Themselves To Pick It Up


I find it incredibly interesting that so many different “mythologies” have giants fighting...


Most can understand Tyr's relationship to Zeus from a Proto-Indo-European sky god. If you really look at their myths, you can see the other parts just jumbled a little. Loki is Cronus, the Titan who ate his children and bound in Tartarus. Loki is a Jotun, which Jotun means "Eater, Overeater, Glutton", and just like Cronus, Loki was bound. Loki has also been equated with Logi "Fire", showing a connection to Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Lightning which strikes erupting volcanos, Google pix, they're cool. Odin is Uranus, the castrated primordial god who mated with the Earth (Jord/Gaia). One of Odin's name is Jalkr meaning "castrate, or gelding" A castrated horse. Another name for him is Gaut(az) from a root meaning "to pour" as Ouranos comes from a root meaning "to rain". His horse he rides, born of Loki, is likely Lightning, as is Yggdrasil, Odin's Steed. Odin's "One eye" was castrated, by Loki/Cronus. Odin gains prophetic visions after as Ouranos does, and foretells of the Fall of Cronus/Loki, to Zeus/Tyr. Thor seems to be a mix of Ares and Heracles. While Baldr is Apollo, the golden god of light and music. The death of Balder seem's to have echoes of Achilles and the Trojan War though with the Golden god/demi-god dying by an arrow, while being otherwise invincible. You can find elvish related names in Greek like Alphito. Related to Alphos which is related to Alfar and Aelfe through the Alb- root from PIE. Denoting "Whiteness", and probably related to words like Alps, Albion, Albino, and others.


People, for God’s sake, find and keep safe our old encyclopedias and dictionaries printed copies. Hold them dear and protect them before they are abolished.

The passage Robert reads at the end of this was from the Encyclopedia Britannia 9th edition 1875.

Is that passage still there now? Doubtful, but I’ll look into it.


We know that Welch Prince Maddoc brought 70, 000 Druids to America in 1170. There were several migrations. This is recorded by a Scott trader in a journal. A conversation with Cherokee Chief Oconostoda verifies this. There is also verification in histories in Wales.
Lewis and Clark were told to look for Welch speakjng Indians. Many people in Colonial America encounter Welch speaking Indians.
Would they also have used runes? Certainly, they used Ogham.


That was the most awesome history lesson ever! Many people always say "its myth" i get frustrated, cause giants were once called a myth, now they are finding out thats not the truth, there were giants, I am i guess what you would call "Norse religious" strongly. I pray to the gods, i feel connected to the gods, i take it seriously. Maybe im a fool, or maybe its real. Either way to know that this man ODIN was a real person, and that the aesir were real, giants were real, makes me happy to know these are my ancestors along with Slavic peoples and Germanic people as well. Im proud to be who I am. and Berber. Thanks for this awesome information. SKAL


Can hardly wait...Robert, you are an Anthropologist, Sage, you tell the truth, thank you for your drive, and abilities.


Can’t wait. Hope you had a fantastic birthday.


Im looking forward to this one! Its close to my heart. Bless you Robert.
