'You can't save here. Please choose another location' Save As Image to card or phone

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Save As: 'You can't save here. Please choose another location'. I want to Save image directly from website to sd card or phone storage, which is connected to computer via usb cable. So, i am opening a browser (chrome or firefox), go to any Websites, select image, right click and choose save As or Save image. A Save As window will appear and ask you the location where to save the image. Here, i am selecting the mobile sd card or phone storage to save the image. Now, I am seeing the message 'No items match your search' on the selected location. When i Save image to that location, i am getting the error 'You can't save here. Please choose another location'. So, i am unable to save any pictures directly from website to sd card or phone storage in the computer.
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Your SD card or phone is corrupted. You won't be able to fix this problem no matter what. It says your drive is working properly and such but you might have had some sort of power surge that fried your drive causing your computer to think of you as a common stranger and locking you from access. The only option is to erase everything computer, phone, and all and start from scratch if you wish to save files again OR get an entirely new phone, card _and_ computer to start over again.


You started with a search. See the top where it has a shows that no items match your search. This will happen when you start with a search because it alters the file path to one that is not the actual path to the folder. Clear the search and navigate to the folder and you should be able to save.


Having the same problem with mu new ultra. O+ dun gouf ignited.
