How I got an A* in A level Maths and Further Maths - 5 tips!

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5 tips on how to get those top grades (A/A*) in A level maths / further maths
1. Learning with worked examples
2. Have a revision timetable
3. Make a documents with all the key points you'll need for the exam
4. Practice until it becomes boring
5. Do harder questions

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Hi there, my name is Elliot and I want to study aeronautical engineering at a top uni eg imperial, Cambridge or anything like that. My school won’t let me do fm due to only getting a 7 in maths and classes being full, however for the unis I want to go to they prefer fm. So because of this im considering self teaching it to myself. At my school further maths students do all of a level maths in year 12 then further maths in year 13. Do you think I should go for it as I am willing to put in lots of work? And could you give me advice and tips and tricks to doing this? Thank you a lot


"its a retrospective timetable the point is to look back, i dont plan"


the only real solution is to have money and pay for good tutors
