Long Art

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Finally my name makes sense.

If you would like sources I have the script with full citations email me for a copy.

3D Models and Animations by Synced Up
Special thanks to @ram_sonder and Lennart


Source link for map

Music in Order of Appearance:

LCDDEM – Sewer Rooms
HOHENHEIM - Black Tar Memories
Mustlord – The Resonant Depths – 02 Disintegration
Billy Crawshrimp – even though you don’t deserve it
C418 – Flake (Minecraft Volume Beta)
Phospho Panda – Monologue Song
AFX – 1 Lmt
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I once did a long form art where I left a spoiled gallon of milk in my fridge for 4 years, opened it, took a whiff and threw up.


How I feel when I accidentally leave the stopwatch on my phone going for a couple days


I spent most of my adult life working in call centers. Once I got good enough at a particular job, I would be able to finish documenting each call in the case system on the computer really fast. I'd then be stuck sitting there walking a caller through some tech support issue with nothing to do with my hands. I took to doodling on scraps of paper. I started keeping those scraps. One day, I got the idea to start a clean sheet plain 8.5 x 11 printer paper. Once I filled it with random doodles, I grabbed a fresh sheet and taped it to the original at the edges. I then had a larger canvas that was 1 sheet x 2 sheets, half full and half empty. I filled it up and taped a third sheet on. Now it was 1 sheet x 3 sheets, two thirds full, one third empty. I filled it up. I then taped three more sheets along the bottom so it was now 2 x 3, half full and half empty. I kept doing this for 11 years at three different jobs with three different companies. By the time I became disabled and couldnt work anymore, it was a rolled up at one end and I was working on the newest 3 sheets I had taped to the end of it. It was 3 sheets wide x 196 sheets long. If I unrolled the whole thing, it would have been just shy of 180 feet long by 25.5 inches wide. And it was kind of a record of everything that popped into my head for the past 11 years while on the phone with customers. Sketches, song lyrics, things people said, famous quotes, and more sketches and doodles. The whole thing was black ink. Sometimes a coworker would come by and see me working on it, grab a pen, and add their own little doodle. Maybe a spiral or a heart or their signature. There were a lot of "...was here". Then, I got sick, my stuff went into storage while I was in and out of the hospital, and eventually I had to stop working. When I finally got settled again and got my things out of storage, it was gone. I don't know what happened to it. Family and friends packed my apartment because I was in the hospital so it probably got thrown out thinking it was trash. I only have one photo of it when it was just seven sheets of paper long. I wish I still had it but I'm kind of glad it's gone, otherwise I may still be doodling right now instead of typing this.



"I'll have a 5cm stalagmite dad"


Long art – also known as the time it takes Solar Sands to put out a video...


I met a traveller from an antique land, who said "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you"


I'm a crocheter and there's a popular project called a "temperature blanket", where we make blankets and crochet one row every day in a specific color that represents a certain range of temperatures. It's only a year but it's a very cool long art project! I've always wanted to make one. Some people also do mood blankets, and I've even seen someone do one based on the color/consistency of their poops.


This channel has, nearly single-handedly, given me an interest in the philosophy of art


One of the earliest examples of "slow art" I was exposed to, and a bit shocked you didn't include it, was "Organ2/ASLSP" by John Cage, an organ piece he wrote to play from 20-70 mins. A church in Halberstadt is choosing to play it very slowly, for 639 years. They had a special organ built and all. The next note will come in 2026!


I once made my own "long term" film called Sixty Glances. I went to the park on the Spring Equinox, took 15 shots of various locations of trees, benches, parking lots, etc. Each shot lasted exactly one minute, timed to the frame.

Three months later I returned on the Summer Solstice and did the exact same thing, as well as for the fall and winter. The entire project took nine months to complete.

It's hard to define why I did it. I was inspired by some of James Benning's works. I wanted to see how much a location would change over a time, and if a "story" would appear.

What was odd, a story did in fact appear. With every season more and more humans showed up in frame, cars passed by, helicopters whirred overhead, until the final shot--a massive tree I found--appeared to be missing limbs. It made me think of how humans incidentally affect the environment without even knowing it.

I'm not claiming it's super deep or anything. I mostly made the film for myself. I rarely watch the videos I make because I cringe really hard but I find myself returning to this one over and over again.


12:40 That ZYN garden is actually pretty cool. "The sculpture is a physical record of the cost of addiction and, more importantly, of time passing"

I wonder what the suppliers would think of it


He said the thing! at the end of the video!


This reminds me of the game The Longing. It's a delightful game on Steam about a little guy covered in coal and ash. He's tasked by the sleeping underground king to wait 400 days.


One of my favorite (accidental) works of arts is watching trees grow into and swallow the environment around them.
Roots coming out of asphalt bumps, barbed wire firmingly stuck inside the core and forming a triangle as the tree grows upward, nails, coins and fences slowly being swallowed up.
Abandoned roads and dilapidated houses can have some truly beautiful sights if you are willing to see it.


I am surprised that a perpetually running comic book series wasn’t mentioned. Each month three new chapters are added. It is called One Piece, would have been interesting to talk about. /s


If only this video was 500 years long 😢


honestly the most amusing thing to me about toto forever is that its location isn't disclosed. for something that obviously seems to cash in on a viral meme you'd think it would be a big tourist attraction but instead it's effectively hidden in the middle of nowhere, the only chance of it being found is completely arbitrary and it might just be discovered by someone who has no idea what it is. makes me wonder if there are any other installations out there presented like "here's this thing i made, i'm not telling you where it is, go find it"


There's a TV show called Life After People that talks about some of this. Things like, plastic-wrapped cookies could theoretically outlive humanity and how amusement parks would look after dozens of years without maintenence


7:47 - 8:18 love how Canada is struggling to draw a leaf while the "Bad Apple" animation is running seamlessly next to it.
(Look near the Osu! Image)


Honestly? I dig it. It takes a unique individual to create something that won't come to fruition and speaks as a testament to patience and what can be seen over the course of several decades. Like the garden you plant that you may or may not see.

It's kind of like waiting for that *Tumblr* video to come out. One day, it will. Or it won't. Who's to say.
