411 How to change the color of a pie slice in Excel 2016

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The shortest and most useful informational video I've seen this year :-) thanks!


If you are using Excel 2019 and probably other newer versions, it doesnt work like this. Instead double click on the chart and then select the edit panel (right hand side). Then select the icon that looks like a pouring bucket. Then single click the slice you want to edit and change the color within the Fill section. Single click another piece and change color. Repeat until happy.
I dont think it was helpful for M$ to add a 'Change Colors' option in the ribbon which appears when you double click the chart, but nowhere in that interface does there seem to be a way to apply custom colors and instead it is done as I described above. Editing the colors under the Home tab (as shown in this video) works sometimes but it is confusing. As soon as you change which slice is selected the ribbon will change and often the Home tab fill color will be affcting one piece, whilst the right hand side fill option is affecting another piece - ie it doesnt appear that it is intended that you should be using this methid as an alternative.
