The No Bullshit Approach To Getting Sober #coach #stopdrinking #needhelp #recovery #shorts #joinus

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I always love that you are upfront with your experience and education. Stop the flow, do the work, move on. Straight forward and true. Thank you Kevin. Onwards and upwards👍🏻


That is a good way to get through it. I hope you continue to do well on life’s journey. May God Bless You!


Being Scottish and coming from the family I do I appreciate the no bullshit approach from Kevin. It’s definitely worked for me to know that it’s my responsibility to keep the alcohol out my mouth and not that alcohol or my genes have the power and its out with my control. Heading for my first year and loving it


You 100 Kevin. All that other stuff just isnt true and confusses alot of people. Its all about meeting your problem head on, learning about it(Not blaming others or genes or diseases), learning about yourself and keeping promises to yourself! Its way more basic than most know in the begining. Thanks for taking the confussion out of it Kevin! 6+ years not one drop Sir


I agree with your perspective. I never understood how AA stresses accountability and a “ rigorous personal inventory “ but then gives people an out with a crutch of you are genetically prone to being an alcoholic because of whatever your family has done in the past 🤷🏻‍♂️


Being out in the wild always helped me. When I had a job that allowed it. Going off for a few days drowned out my thoughts of drinking. Not everyone is able to do that, though. May god bless you all with the strength to carry on. It's hard at times. Find something bigger than you to care about. I don't care what it is. Family, kids, religious whatever. Surrender to it and tell yourself that it's more important. Try to stick to it. You might fail. But start again. Don't allow yourself to stop!


You are awesome for what you do i haven’t stopped drinking yet but i want and meed to
