Dungeons and Dragons Horror Music | “Something’s Not Right”| Suspense Theme

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Something isn't right in the village. The air reeks of dread and danger must be near.

I create custom songs like this for TTRPG games, movies, video games, and more. Follow for weekly



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Art by: Caellaigh


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Рекомендации по теме

Holding your breath, waiting for the DM to say those terrible words. “Roll for Initiative.”


the players in my campaign all go silent when this stars playing its the theme for one of the main villains


Everyone’s gangster until the DM starts playing this music


i have 2 NPCs. Named Quinn and Dugo. Dugo is a massive wendigo type creature, and Quinn was his beloved before he got turned into a monster. my party sacrificed the two companions they made in order to survive, and now they are coming back with a vengeance. i cant believe i stumbled upon this perfect music, with a wendigo type creature, and written by a Lucas "Quinn". fate is a strange thing. thank you for sharing :)


“You hear that?…the wind, the breeze, and sensation in the air grows dense. You feel it…Something is off about these woods. Especially these dark red oak trees. Or maybe…just a closer look can determine something about these oaks…oak trees don’t have dark red wood…do they? That’s when it struck you. The tense feeling erupts heavy and quick like a weighted pile you’re carrying as you feel weaker, the vile smell as you come closer to these trees…these dark red oak trees…the smell is fresh, putrid, and horrid. No longer as you seek the meaning behind these questions you ponder…your only solution…get far away from these trees…these dark red oak trees.”


Plan on using this during the epilogue to tell them its not over yet. Thank you for the perfect music, it sounds better than any other suspense music for TTRPG's I've ever heard.


All my player's are extremely stressed now. Thank you


I came from Reddit.. the mists of Barovia have ushered me to this place.. Something’s Not Right..


Weary from the long walk you see a small town, a wooden palisade encloses the houses and keeps you out. Stretching out on either side of the gate a pikes, each topped by the head of a recently killed wolf. As you approach a voice calls out from the wall, “No one is allowed to enter Vallaki after sunset. Return in the morning, that is if you’re still alive.”


My DM use this once in one of his "epic battle", its still spook the rest of the player until this day (including me (he's a really great DM))


This is 100% getting used in my campaign!


This music has been so useful in my campaign recently being the theme of the most dreadful and horrifying location the party have ever had to go to thanks!


GM: You did it. The lich is felled and his undead legions vanquished. Non shall bother the bodies of the surrounding kindoms anymore.
The party gazes upon the devastated battlefield, where the undying forces of the lich held off the ancient horrors encroaching upon this realm. The purple stormclouds in the east however remain, still spewing more beasts into this realm.

The cleric: "the dead can rest in peace now."
The barbarian: "isn't it over? The winds are still poisonous!"
The fighter: "the monsters aren't vanishing, he summoned them too, didn't he? Oi warlock, you said these would go away after we destroy the summoner!"
The warlock: "We made a mistake."

*This absolute banger starts playing*

The last words escaping the lich's fractured skull: "Why didn't you listen? Now they will claim you all..."

The eldritch beasts which were fighting the undead up until now had turned their attention westward to the closest settlement.

This was the mid-point of the campain, in which a few of my friends were trying to make sense of a lich's uncharacteristic actions. He was sending his minions out to raid graveyards but never had them "make more bodies" for him to raise. He once slew an entire church full of "relegious people" (cultists), but left the rest of the settlement untouched. This piece started playing after the party had beaten the guy into submission and realised that the lich was in fact not the BBEG. You helped me sell the reveal thanks for that.


For those 'It's quiet' 'Almost...too quiet' moments.

Lame jokes aside, great work man, it really does create that eerie atmosphere that a magical circus, or a haunted carnival would.


Can I just say how amazing the art work is as well and just how it suits the music perfectly


"while the rest of you sleep, which one of you is keeping watch?"
"it's quite a windy night, so all the trees and bushes are rustling about. Make a perception check."
"is there something just past those bushes? Did you just see them move more, organically?"
"a strong gust blows by, and you lost the sense of something being out there. you don't see anything unusual anymore."
"it's been a few minutes, you still see nothing, and then you realize you should've turned around. whatever it is, it's behind you."

"what's your AC?"


Oh I will definitely be using this in one of my campaigns to show off my D&D cryptid.


Immediate goosebumps - dude this rules


This is brilliant mate currently compiling music/ambience for my campaign and this is definitely making the playlist


This sets a very eerie atmosphere, I love it! Great work!
