How Somalia was Ruined

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Somalia is what many people think of when you say "failed state" - so why?

#h0ser #somalia #history
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As a Somali living in Somaliland, I would like to say that the terrible bad things happening in our country are the results of the bad backward mentality of the Somalis(clanism, regionalism, religious irrationality, and a whole bunch of other things). It drives me crazy when someone says, "Somalia is poor, BEcaUse oF Colonialism"


To snag a line from someone else:
"What do you mean there's no government in Somalia? *There are governments all over the place!"*


Somali's: "Why is our country in a state of collapse?"

Also Somali's: "What tribe are you ?"


Given how Somalia is more ethnically homogenous than most African countries you'd think that would give them an advantage. But instead Somalia has been in a state of civil war longer than I've been alive.


Another great video, friend. As a African myself (Nigerian) it annoys me when most people only attribute Africa's current problems to "colonialism or racism", effectively removing personal responsibility of us Africans, and ignore more important factors like geography, climate, socioeconomic systems, political unity and leadership. Thanks for focusing on those areas.


As a Kenyan I'm cheering for every Somali out there. A stable somalia is a prosperous Eastern Africa peace is a must at this point


I work in government and I once had a Somali official visit my office. He was highly educated and ambitious. He was determined to make his country a better place for all of its citizens and it's the reason why he visited my country. He wanted to learn from our experience and try to apply it in his own country and I could see why. Our countries have lots of similarities in term of geography and socioeconomic conditions. Even personally I had lots of similarities with him, we have the same first name, we have similar hobby, and I found him to be very likeable in general. It's been years now and I'm still waiting for a good news from Somalia. I'm sure he's still working hard now. Stay strong, my Somali brothers. Hope you could get your stuff up together and develop soon. Love from Indonesia.


Somalia is like the kid in school that was the clown in middle school and you thought he'd get over it after some time but you see them again in the high school reunion and their still the same. Its honestly just sad


I'm Danish, and grew up in a neighborhood with tons of immigrants, most of which were Somali. Super hospitable and friendly people <3 I'm cheering for Somalia and it's people and hoping for a future with peace, freedom and prosperity <3 Big love from Denmark! You are always welcome here <3


I like how your videos demonstrate that the success or failure of a nation is often a combination of bad geography and the political structure of that nation. The fact that Somalis can find success if they go to a country like the US disproves several racist notions.


Forgot to mention how foreign fishing companies fished off the Somali coast when they were going through a civil war and practically emptied it which resulted in previous fishermen turning to piracy.


I am an indian muslim and i had a friend from Somalia he use to work in Kenya everyday and return to Somalia, but then he got job in Somalia itself but after we had a little fight so we stop talking to eachother then I tried to get in touch with him again but his little brother told me he got killed by someone then I cried and prayed two rakat nafil but at the end I want to say somalian are the humbist peoples I got


As a Somali, this video was pretty cool to watch. I grew up outside of the country so it was interesting learning more about it.


The country is actually improving a lot thankfully in terms of infrastructure, education and defeating terrorism. Still a long ways to go like ending hunger, improving healthcare, etc but things are wayyy better than before!


As a Nigerian. I know a lot of Somali people and they are absolutely wonderful. They have a great culture, food and values. I really hope things improve in the country.


Hoser has pushed this hard twice In his video idea community posts, and I'm glad he disobeyed since I've really wanted this lol


I'm not sure why people act as if we still have pirates. This past year, Somalia made significant progress in liberating its country and uniting its people. Somali states such as hirshabelle, galmudug, and even the south west are falling under government control, but I always know the good parts will always be cut out.


The pirates are our coastguards, other countries tried to dump their garbage, and steal our fish while we were at war. But those young men stepped in and sent them away.


Wow, can't imagine the Hell those people have to go through every day. Really hope things can improve for them. Thanks for the work you put in for the video!


Can YouTubers please stop accepting the established titles sponsorship nonsense, the company that runs the website isn't even registered in the UK, they're a company from Hong Kong - it's a flat out scam. They don't even publicly disclose if they even own any land in scotland, let alone the right to bestow lordship. I know it's all fun and a novelty and whatnot, but you could achieve the same thing by just making your own certificate on a piece of paper or on photoshop, it's essentially useless.
