Dracula's Castle Torture Chamber #Shorts #minidocumentary

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This video is about Dracula’s Castle Torture Chamber.
The Bran Castle was built in 1377 by the Saxons of Kronstadt. Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula was king of Wallachia three times between 1448 and his death. He was famous for his cruelty, and he was the source of inspiration for the main character of the novel Dracula by Bram Stocker. Bran Castle was never his own castle, he just lived there because his real castle was at Poenari. Currently, Bran Castle is a museum, and it has a torture room with replicas of torture devices from medieval castles across Europe. Medieval torture instruments have been exhibited at the Bran Castle in Bran, Romania since 2016. The most interesting is the Virgin from Nuremberg. One can see an orthopedic torturing device. One can see a twin-size iron bed base and a replica of an impale. Two Canadians spend Halloween trying out coffins at Dracula’s Castle and others spent the night in the castle, but nobody tried the Torture Chamber. We understand that.
#minidocumentary #Shorts #dracula #vladtheimpaler #ironmaiden
Short but to the point.
Intention - AShamaluevMusic [Cinematic Dubstep Background Music]
#minidocumentary #informative #brancastle #torturechamber #medievalcastle #spooky
This video is about Dracula’s Castle Torture Chamber.
The Bran Castle was built in 1377 by the Saxons of Kronstadt. Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula was king of Wallachia three times between 1448 and his death. He was famous for his cruelty, and he was the source of inspiration for the main character of the novel Dracula by Bram Stocker. Bran Castle was never his own castle, he just lived there because his real castle was at Poenari. Currently, Bran Castle is a museum, and it has a torture room with replicas of torture devices from medieval castles across Europe. Medieval torture instruments have been exhibited at the Bran Castle in Bran, Romania since 2016. The most interesting is the Virgin from Nuremberg. One can see an orthopedic torturing device. One can see a twin-size iron bed base and a replica of an impale. Two Canadians spend Halloween trying out coffins at Dracula’s Castle and others spent the night in the castle, but nobody tried the Torture Chamber. We understand that.
#minidocumentary #Shorts #dracula #vladtheimpaler #ironmaiden
Short but to the point.
Intention - AShamaluevMusic [Cinematic Dubstep Background Music]
#minidocumentary #informative #brancastle #torturechamber #medievalcastle #spooky