Area And Perimeter Of Quadrilaterals | Rectangle | Square | Parallelogram | Rhombus| Trapezium |Kite

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Area And Perimeter Of Quadrilaterals | Rectangle | Square | Parallelogram | Rhombus| Trapezium |Kite
In this video, we are going to learn the whole Quadrilateral concept and formula. This video is being designed in a way to help all classes to learn triangle chapter. This video is enough to solve any type of problems because we believe in conceptual learning. Share this among your friends and learn Triangle with concepts. With the help of this video we can find the Area and Perimeter of any type of Quadrilaterals
For solution of any problem send it to Whatsapp no 9475414400
The aim of this channel is to prepare students at their own, and that's why all the videos are free. But those who are able and wish to contribute to run this campaign smoothly may do the same.
My mobile number 9475414400 is the GooglePay/Amazon Pay number.
Bank Account details :- ANUPAM DHABAL
A/C - 32275748502 IFSC - SBIN0001556, FCI Branch, DURGAPUR.
Contact No- 7001202649, 9475414400
#areaoftriangles #perimeter #pythagorastheorem #anupamsirmaths
In this video, we are going to learn the whole Quadrilateral concept and formula. This video is being designed in a way to help all classes to learn triangle chapter. This video is enough to solve any type of problems because we believe in conceptual learning. Share this among your friends and learn Triangle with concepts. With the help of this video we can find the Area and Perimeter of any type of Quadrilaterals
For solution of any problem send it to Whatsapp no 9475414400
The aim of this channel is to prepare students at their own, and that's why all the videos are free. But those who are able and wish to contribute to run this campaign smoothly may do the same.
My mobile number 9475414400 is the GooglePay/Amazon Pay number.
Bank Account details :- ANUPAM DHABAL
A/C - 32275748502 IFSC - SBIN0001556, FCI Branch, DURGAPUR.
Contact No- 7001202649, 9475414400
#areaoftriangles #perimeter #pythagorastheorem #anupamsirmaths