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NATURANCE webstival

Innovation Lab 2: Harnessing insurance to promote nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management

Taking place within the Firelogue-NATURANCE collaboration, the Innovation Lab #2 explores the role of insurance in promoting nature-based solutions (NbS) for wildfire risk management (WFRM).


The first NATURANCE festival will feature thematic discussions, interactive workshops and presentations of innovative solutions, creating dialogue and offering industry insights on nature-based financial, investment, and insurance instruments.
The event will bring together finance with nature-based solutions experts, insurers with disaster risk professionals, European, regional and local policy makers with innovators but also all those with expertise or interest in financial innovation and insurance instruments for ecosystem restoration and biodiversity.

NATURANCE is a coordination and supporting action project funded under the Horizon Europe. The project will examine the feasibility and performance of combining disaster risk financing & investments with nature-based solutions through the creation of nature-based insurance & investment solutions (NBIS). The project aims to organise innovation finance and policy labs, analyse policy and governance conditions, assess risk-reduction performance of NBIS, and build awareness and capabilities for green financial innovations.
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