Are you ready to 'Fight' for a Clutter-Free Home?!

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Join me for a LIVE and I'll get you pumped and ready to FIGHT for the clutter-free home you deserve. I'll help you put down the excuses and pick up a trash bag! Together we will declutter, clean and organize our homes!
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OMG. My husband moved out seven weeks ago and I’ve been paralyzed. And part of his problem was the cluttered house. As I’m listening to this I’m doing it. I’m actually freaking doing it. And I looked up. The video is only halfway over and I’m so glad. Thank


I had a friend tell me : "You don't do things because you're become motivated when you do things." I didn't understand at the time, but it's true...just get started.


I decided. This is not another YouTube video about decluttering, this is whole lotta spiritual journey. That's why you and we all get so emotional. This is about our soul, it's not only about our house . It's about our soul. A lot of love to you and your people here, Cas❤❤


Love this today, I was a very active quilter and managed to get a whole cabinet full of quilts. All finished never used. Yesterday I piled up 23 of them and took them to my favourite charity, which is the local pregnancy centre so that they could give them to the babies in the girls. It really felt good.


I needed this today. I am 7 months pregnant with a 4 and 3 year old as well. Our family has moved 3 times in the last 5 years and I am SO drowning in all our stuff. I have started decluttering but I really wasnt feeling it today. I took your quiz and I am a ladybug 😅 so my first instinct it to just get everything off every surface and cram it somewhere to deal with it later. I sat back and realized I am never going to feel like it so lets grab the trash bags.


I have to say thank you again! Yesterday, I decluttered and cleaned my master bathroom (after doing the same to master bedroom the day before). Well today, we found out the floor in the master bath is rotten around the toilet from a previous leak. Our son came to our rescue and I was so calm because it was clean and organized so no stress for me. I could let him in there with out feeling horrible because it looked awful. I love this feeling. I’m not stopping here!!!! THANK YOU, spoken through tear filled eyes!!!


I love when you do About 6 months ago I went through my kitchen. It took 3 days. The first day was too much thinking, but I kept listening to you, over and over and over!!!! After the third day I was amazed at my kitchen. Since then, I've gone through my kitchen 2 more times, got rid of MORE, and guess what, my kitchen is awesome! I've gone through my clothes and my husband was watching ... then he started going through his YAY! Our closet is awesome!! And ... we got rid of my dresser and we now can share a dresser and we have much room in our bedroom now. Cass you're AWESOME !! Everyone, you CAN do this!! Sending love your way to succeed!!!


You are preaching to the choir. After over a year of listening to you and your buddies, I was ready when out of state company came with very little notice. I could concentrate on getting dinner ready instead of cleaning. I was proud.


This made me cry. Good tears of course. Especially with the comment of "if your at your best friends house you wouldn't leave the dishes, why leave the dishes for yourself. It's rude." It's a different perspective and I love it! Thank you so much I also needed to hear that today! Cas you make a big difference and thank you for being the awesome person you are! Super genuine and super down to earth! Thank you ❤


This is the BEST motivation ever! The best video you gave us!! Thank you with all my heart! I watched it 10 times and will listen to it for weeks, while I declutter every single place in my house. I want easy and beautifull! I want to find things without desperation. You are so right! You are precious! Thank YOU!!


I have been full time caregiver for my daddy from age 81-88 yrs old.
He has mixed dementia ( Alzheimer’s & vascular from a 20 yr history of TIA’S and an ischemic stroke in 2020.)
His dementia escalated very quickly since 2020 and he demanded more and more of my time, day and night.
I also run his rental business and all his finances and drs visits.
I managed to keep up with our laundry and did housework at my house and daddy’s mobile home just steps away, but lots of other things were neglected.
It finally took a toll on my health and my disabled 74 yr old husband said it was time for a change.
Daddy is now living in an Alzheimer’s unit and is adjusting quite well.
I am physically doing better and thanks to videos like yours I am starting to take my life back and declutter and organize.
It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction to see my kitchen, Dr, laundry room done so far!!!
Thank you for your help🙂


When you said that I’m more important than getting to the donation center… THROW IT AWAY!!! Free myself is what that said to me. I’m suffocating. I’m not living anymore I’m existing & It’s so stressful.


I'm absolutely sick of clutter in my house so I've been decluttering for 2 days while binge watching your videos with some Minimal Mom sprinkled in. I've donated 4 bags and 2 boxes of stuff and I've thrown away 4 bags, so far. I'm currently working on another bag each of donations and trash. (I didn't even realize how many empty boxes I had saved until I started clearing the closets. 🤦‍♀️)


Hi Cas 👋 This aired at 4am in Australia 🇦🇺 & I was awake in bed, but within 10mins I was up & grabbed a garbage bag & filled it with brand new clothes & shoes I've never been able to donate b4 because they were "new". Today & tonight I have listened to u twice more and am filling bags for donations from every room in my home. Tysm for your tough love encouragement & inspring me to further downsize how much I own. I have chronic pain so most days are already a struggle. Feeling stress relief from filling bags of stuff that I don't use or need 💜


Hi Cas I live in the UK and I am disabled with a twisted spine and am unable to stand for long periods and can only use one arm, my left, as my right hand was paralysed as well as the twisted spine was caused when I had meningitis when I was 14 months old. I cannot work due to disability and am a paper crafter. I have home delivery on my shopping. I am making a game out of decluttering. I have only just started but today, I got rid of 7 boxes (5 empty) 1 with an old dvd player that did not work anymore and got a new one as I love my dvds, which are all sorted on a bookshelf in alphabetical order. Another box I took out had a printer in that only printed 3 colours and prefer my Canon. I, on my own carried them downstairs and out to the wall opposite for the rubbish men. I am so pleased with myself. I am doing little bits at a time and have to stop to rest but I have started.


This was an incredible live. Thank you Cass! You’re words of wisdom weren’t just about decluttering but about prioritizing ourselves which is something I struggle to do. I’m going to fill up a garbage bag today. I will need to relisten to this live again it was so good.


Shauna Neely, I am 65 and have had to combine my parents house with mine. Now for the last 3 years, I have been going through years and years of "crap". Some of which had not been looked at in 15 plus years...or more. We have all had so much stored that we didn't have a place to put the things we need to use everyday. Overwhelming has been an understatement. So I broke it down in pieces. I did 1 closet or 1 cabinet or 1 chest or 1 drawer at a time. Trust me when I say, the more you get rid of, you will suddenly find yourself slinging and trashing things like crazy. Next thing I know, I'm down to needing to do 4 closets in our upstairs and everything else is done. Two of the closets, I can't do because they are my dad's. He has hyperventilated at all the things I have gotten rid of. But he's a hoarder and he struggles. I had to start using black trash bags and cleaning while he sleeps. He can't get downstairs. So sometimes I just have to make him think I am storing things downstairs. But ultimately it goes out the downstairs door. Just start anywhere. You will feel so much better!!!!


I have to say Thank you to you, Do it on a Dime, Minimalist Mom and Remi Clog Youtube channels. You each offer different perspectives, suggestions and encouragement that have helped keep my motivation going. It took me all summer but my bedroom is finally decluttered and organized. I actually have empty drawers and a closet with a completely clear floor and a half empty shelf!
I also want to pass on encouragement to folks, like myself, who have disabilities. I did this by sitting in an office chair and scooting around my room. My hubby and kids helped by putting things away or getting things down I couldn't reach. But the majority I did myself. I learned patience, my best was good enough and I am worth having an organized and tidy space!! THANK YOU!


While listening to your video, I never would have thought I would be so on fire to declutter. I have taken the quiz and I am a very definite butterfly. It feels like a motivational speech before going into battle. Except, instead of wielding swords, we are wielding trash bags and boxes!


Yes, to scheduling donations!!! Covid killed my home in terms of clutter with kids schooling from home on and off and us hardly going anywhere and even donation places closed. So when things opened back up it was piled high in our guest room (I mean, I’ve got 2 young girls, so they outgrow clothes and books and toys like some of us breathe)! We’re talking couldn’t even walk into the room level bad. I was overwhelmed because I felt it had to be done all at once like a project. But starting to watch your videos (as well as Dana and the Minimal Mom) helped me realize I just needed to take a single step.

I put DONATIONS into my calendar as a weekly recurring event. I could post things online for pickup if I knew that was the best way to go or take a load to Goodwill, but every week I had to do something. Didn’t matter if it was even just a single item. And guess what… a year later the guest room was totally cleaned out. I still keep a monthly DONATIONS event in my calendar and all of us go through and find stuff to donate the day before. Because now it’s a habit that has no emotional connection, only practical. 🙂
