How to play Uno Full Spectrum
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This is a custom rule variant for original uno and utilizes cards from uno flip and nonpartisan uno. All the rules are the same as regular uno except for these changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video. Get your regular uno deck and in the colors red, blue, and yellow, remove 1 card for each number zero through nine, and 1 skip, draw 2, and reverse. Remove 3 wilds, and 2 wild draw fours. Combine these together to start forming your full spectrum deck.
From nonpartisan uno, in the colors orange, green, and purple, remove 1 card for each number zero through nine, and 1 skip, draw 2, and reverse. Remove 3 wilds, and 2 wild draw fours. Add these to your full spectrum deck. Finally, from uno flip express, or regular uno flip if you don’t have the express version, in the colors teal and magenta, remove 1 card for each number one through nine, and 1 skip all, draw 3 and reverse. Add these to your full spectrum deck so the light side is considered its back. The double-sided flip cards may never be played on their light side or flipped around.
Shuffle the full spectrum deck and deal. There are 8 colors in the deck that make up the major color spectrum, forming a circle. They are: Red, magenta, purple, blue, teal, green, yellow, orange. When playing a card, you can either match by color, number, or symbol like normal, or you can bleed the color spectrum clockwise or counterclockwise 1 hue from the card you are discarding.
For example, if the discard is red, you are allowed to play a magenta or orange card on it, regardless of that card’s number or symbol. If it is green, you can play yellow or teal. Purple is Magenta or blue. And so on. Check out the link in the description for a handy color reference image you can use to help you remember.
Wild cards can be played on any color and can change the color of the discard to any color, they are not limited to the colors shown on the card.
Skip all: skips every player and allows you to play again. Draw 3 forces the next player to draw 3 cards and skip their turn. “Skip all” can be matched to any regular skip and vice versa and draw 3 can be matched with a draw 2s and vice versa.
The first player to play all the cards in their hand wins!