How to Make a Final Exam Study Schedule - College Info Geek

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Today I want to give you a detailed look at my own exam study schedule (or revision schedule, as some of you like to say) in Google Calendar.

We'll also break down several tips you can use to make yours as useful as possible - no matter what app you're using.

By the way, good luck on your exams! You got this :)

My book "10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades" is completely free, so check it out if you're interested in improving your grades!

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If you want to get even more strategies and tips on becoming a more productive, successful student, subscribe to my channel right here:

~ created by Thomas Frank
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Since so many of you are already taking final exams, I worked really hard to get this one done early. Hope you enjoy it!


Me reading the comments and seeing that the comments were 4 years ago💀


I pretty much needed this right now! Thank you always


I needed this a week or two ago. my finals are today. less than 8 hours away. joy


when i feel like procrastinating i watch this channel and it puts me back in the right mind set. thanks.


The hardest parts of studying for a final nowadays: 1) Getting started, 2) Avoiding distractions. The rest is easy.


I'm watching this video instead of studying for my exams.


Ooofff. My exams are in 3 weeks and this is the first time I will study THIS early and not a day or two before exams and get in 80's and one or two 90's (Mind u, I'm in 8th grade)
Well, partially becuz I didn't understand ANYTHING during online classes and partially becuz I now am REALLY knowing how important education is cuz a LOT has happened during my 13 years of life. And my mom depends on me SO MUCH. And my grandfather telling me what happened becuz he wasn't educated, and how my 8 years of suffering (13-20) will make me live a comfortable 70 years or more and me not regretting anything.
Ur videos and watching other ppl study and be productive has helped me to be SO MUCH and made me be more productive so thank u!


"I don't have a joke for this one" haha!


This might sound like a lot but prepping is key! I copied and pasted my electronic syllabus into my evernote and put checkboxes for everything I felt comfortable with. It was a little consuming at first, and stressful considering the time crunch, but once I had a system going it became very easy to follow and I felt more confident going into the exam because I knew what I had covered and what I was a little rusty on. I made sure to focus on what I knew and filled in the gaps as I worked through my exams. I usually get testers anxiety but prepping this way really helped. Also, if you're a nervous nail biter, pop in some gum during the exam. Good luck!


1. assess knowladge, identifiy gaps
2. impoertance of classes
3. not important but may be beneficial - identify when is your productive time


I'm in online class and since the start of this semester i've been paying so much more attention than last semester so i need this to pass my SBQ1's and CA1's. Thanks Thomas!


Your videos always inspire me to study more!!! I'm like surfing on youtube.. watching one of your videos and.. ''Nah I need to get some work done!'' Please make a video about memory skills.. Med school needs you!


I have just reached high school and was struggling a lot. Hope that making a good routine will save from the nightmare


Where have you been all my academic life? This is so useful for my 3rd year coming up in uni thanks.


Hey Tom! I wanted to ask you a quick question. I remember you mentioning that you are apart of a mastermind group in another video. I am looking to form one because I have through many sources learned that it is incredibly beneficial. The problem is that none of my friends want to do it and are not really interested in growth or entrepreneurship in general. How do I go about finding hard working, progressive people for a mastermind group? Cheers!


For someone extremely helpful and so informative, you deserve a lot more subscribers


I honestly face lots of trouble controlling my self to get to study! As I think about what might happen if I didn't finish what I scheduled for my self


I add books to my reading list almost every time I watch one of your videos.
So helpful, keep up the good work man!


I love your channel soo much!! Your help and advice is AMAZING thank you from all your subscribers!
