The Science of Forensic DNA: Capabilities and Limitations presented by John M. Butler, Ph.D.

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Very good film. Lately I've been interested in some points that you did start to cover near the end. I'll add some comments for each point. For this point you didn't cover this but have you read about Operation Cube (in England)? It happened a few years ago but some consequences are just starting to emerge


You did start to cover this, talking about Sequencing the forensic loci. Some researchers at North Texas University have started to do just that. I think you mentioned this but some of the alleles do not contain repeats. Some of the "repeats" are different. The team reported they were keen on this because if you have one of the "repeats" different it can more accurately help to identify somebody. The down side of this is that there must be people in CODIS who are down to matching an Allele who in fact don't!


The team North Texas also found that the "shoulders" that help identify the Locus also had generic variation. So "drop outs" are not necessarily due to low sample quality, there could be plenty there but the primers for PCR render the process ineffective
