To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required - Paul M. Williams

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Luke 12:47-48

For the Christian, their testimony is simple; light has shone into darkness! Yet for many, though they name the name of Christ, they choose wilfully to remain in darkness and plead ignorance is bliss! Whilst happy to rest in religion, they will not come to the light lest their evil deeds should be exposed. For those sitting under the sound of true preaching, no such excuse can be made; the light of God Word has shone into darkness and one must now choose what to do with that light, to embrace it or to suppress it!!

This sermon is an earnest plea for all who have received light, to walk in the knowledge of that light, for to whom much is given, much is required and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Dear soul, with the light that has already been given to you, to what degree are you walking in that light?

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