Kubernetes Authorization & Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Easy Simplified Explanation with Demo

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Kubernetes Authorization & Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Easy Simplified Explanation with Demo
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Imperative Commands run in demo:
Kubectl create ns test
Kubectl create sa svc-user1 –n test
Kubectl create role creator-role –n test --verb=create --resource=secret --resource=configmap
Kubectl create rolebinding creator-binding -n test --role creator-role --serviceaccount test:svc-user1
Kubectl auth can-i create secret –n test --as system:serviceaccount:test:svc-user1
#kubernetes #Authorization #abac #node #rbac #rolebased #webhook #k8s #kube #devopswithgvr #learnwithgvr #devops #gvr
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Imperative Commands run in demo:
Kubectl create ns test
Kubectl create sa svc-user1 –n test
Kubectl create role creator-role –n test --verb=create --resource=secret --resource=configmap
Kubectl create rolebinding creator-binding -n test --role creator-role --serviceaccount test:svc-user1
Kubectl auth can-i create secret –n test --as system:serviceaccount:test:svc-user1
#kubernetes #Authorization #abac #node #rbac #rolebased #webhook #k8s #kube #devopswithgvr #learnwithgvr #devops #gvr
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