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Рекомендации по теме

Yes, its true and it hurts when they ignore you like hell💔


If tears are colorful.. Then my pillow would be most colourful one in the whole wide world!


It happened with me😢😢😢and believe that i am too hurted by this feeling

To all of you, only love yourself, do not want anyone in your life


It really hurts when someone you truly love stops talking to you and ignores you.


Only the persons who felt it will understand that how much painful it is 😭


“There’s no point in wiping away my tears when im just gonna cry again”


it hurts when you be friends with someone you have been with lets say 3 to 4 years but one day they just start to ignore you and you start blaming yourself and thinking what kinda of things you should of not said to them and thinking its all your fault when really it isn't.-mike tyson


True iam waiting for my friends and they are enjoying their Life's happily


I'm loosing that bond...And I can't see that happening in front of my eyes 😭


It hurts when you miss someone but they are enjoying there life without thinking about you and your feelings 🙃


For the boys😢😢

😥😥No matter how fast you drive😓😓
😭😭Just promise me I'll never have to visit a rock with flowers just to see you again😭😭


Yh. The one who is tye precious like a mom and we lose it when we're 8..


i miss my past i was once a happy child but now i am a broken boy😢


What hurts is when they drop you out of no where and you dont know why.. but what hurts more is losing yourself trying to figure it out❤


10th sad quote

Enjoying 10th but suddenly you realise is you last year of school😢


पल पल तड़पे जिस पल के लिए, वो पल भी आया कुछ पल के लिए, सोचा उस पल को रोक लू हर पल के लिए, पर वो पल भी ठहरा कुछ पल के लिए ....♥️🎼😘🥀


This feeling is just like killing from insid.e ...Then you become the most loneliest and the Saddest deadly soul to your ownself .. Thats what we deserve guyss


It's Meri ek galti mujhe meri bff se dur kar rahi h 😭😭😭


Yeah 3 friends in my life one left and today one betrayed and that one I have I think I am also losing her🥺❤️‍🩹


If l could wish a wish l would wich that l can convert tears into smile infront of my parents, family and friends.
