The Mighty Influence of a Praying Mom: Rhonwyn Kendrick’s Story

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Rhonwyn Kendrick is a praying mom and grandmother—and she’s seen the indescribable power of prayer firsthand. Watch Rhonwyn and her son, Stephen Kendrick, share stories of God’s faithfulness and power to answer when we call out to Him. We may never fully know or see the lasting impact upon future generations of a mom who values fervent prayer and who loves the Father to whom she prays!

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I got saved just two months ago, then three weeks after getting saved I contracted COVID. I went in the hospital but deteriorated and had to be put on a vent. Then they pronounced me brain dead and was just waiting on my daughter to sign the papers to take me off of life support. No one knew but a friend of mine had contacted friends of hers from all over the United States to start praying. I woke up and walked out of the hospital two weeks later.


I wrote a sticky note in my Bible asking God to provide 22k so I could get out of debt and be a better steward of my finances....God heard me and in just 2 years all my debt is paid off!


I’m watching this on September 5, 2024 and this is more relevant today than ever before


3 and a half minutes in, and I'm in tears as she described her mother crying out to the heavens, asking God for protection. I did the same as my sons life was slipping away in front of me, and the good Lord stood between my son's life and death. He saved my son life and has redeemed his story. Oh God, we thank you!!!


My mom just died an hour ago of Lukemia and I just saw this and my mom is the reason why I an others in the family are christians and my mom was in great spirits her whole passing as she knew where she was going


My Mom who is 97 years young this year 2020, is a prayer warrior. A cancer survivor, she outlived her 2 doctors. She walks without a cane, bathes herself and she talks good. She's my model in her faith in God. There are 4 of us her children in the ministry now. Glory to God!!! Our God is indeed a prayer answering God. Hallelujah!!!


GOD answers prayer. My son was A few days old when his kidneys shut down. At the hospital they told me to go home and get my husband and my favorite outfit for him... he was not going to make it. I was half way home when I just couldn't make it anymore. I pulled over and cried and begged GOD to help him. All of a sudden I felt peace and love. I got home and my husband said we have to go to the hospital NOW. I panicked and asked what happened. He said the hospital just called. Mykle (my son) is ok. His color is back. His vitals are good. They were completely stunned and confused. I knew the LORD healed him. He is 10 and a half and has had zero kidney issues since.


What kind of heathen would thumbs down this beautiful story? My daddy was an alcoholic. My mother was a prayer warrior. I have seen her on her knees praying while we kids surrounded her and he would reach around us and hit her with his fists. But she never stopped praying till the end. She met daddy at age 13. She turned 17 in july and had her 3rd child in December. A baby with 3 babies. She kept having children till she raised 7 girls and six a stillbirth and one child died. 15 kids and still a kid herself. But her faith was built on nothing less but Jesus and his righteousness. She taught us how to pray. She would say, boys it's holiness or hell. She taught us to live holy. She better dress right, walk right, talk right and spit white. Even when she was dying...couldn't breathe good, she asked the nurses to..prop me up..I have to pray for my kids. By prayer and supplication her children rise up and call her blessed. Now...she's teaching Angel's how to sing. We love you Mom. We will see you in heaven. What an impact you had on our lives.


I am watching this 7 years later. I believe it is for a reason! God knows exactly what you need to hear and do! I am going to start back praying for my husband and children.


Pray for my Son to be delivered from Heroin and for God to touch his HEART TO FOLLOW HIM AND BRING ADDICTS TO CHRIST!


Dear God make me a praying wife, mom, sister, daughter and minister. Use me for your glory lord in Jesus matchless name Amen.


Dear Lord,
Bring my daughter back to a relationship with Jesus. Bring good Christian people around her and open her eyes to the evil ways of alcohol.
I taught her the faith but she’s turned away. Bring her back to your love and presence. Thank you for hearing my prayer and keeping me strong.Amen🙏❤️


I actually gave my life to Christ after watching *War Room*..i remember it so well, on KTN channel, at 4pm 2017 December!
You guys connected me back to Jesus and now He has raised me to the extent of preaching! Be blessed. Thank you.


Every prayer warrior, please pray for 3 year old-Michael.
He is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, in Riley's Children's Hospital, in Indianapolis, IN


Yes! Yes! Hallelujah!!! My daughter was in a car accident in 2011. She was in a coma for 3.5 years with no signs or hope of a positive recovery. She has a severe traumatic brain injury with a severe skull fracture. I cried out to the lord! I developed a relationship with the lord! I prayed to God to please heal my daughter, I asked he make a liar out of these doctors, I promised to except her anyway he chose to give her back to me just please don't take her. I began to repent for things I had forgotten I had done. I asked for forgiveness from everyone I could that I have hurt. My God woke my daughter from that coma on mother's day of 2015. As she remain total care he gave me my daughter back! She was able to identify everyone she knew immediately. She's a miracle in the eyes of the same doctors who had written her off and a continued blessing to me. I thank my God and I tell everyone I come in contact with. There's nothing the devil can do the lord cannot fix! I have been and remain her sole caregiver. To God be the Glory! Amen.


Prayer works.
7ways to success.


My grandma was also a very Godly woman, and because of the life SHE led, and the prayers she lifted up, ALL of my immediate family were saved: dad, mom, 4 kids, and all their kids!


I remember hearing Charles Stanley say "there is nothing more powerful than a praying grandma" here is beautiful proof in action. Thank you for such an inspiring video. Usually I use my tech Bibles, today I will honour this lady with a physical one


This year just like 7 years ago we all should be crying out to God, humbling ourselves for a change in hearts, a change in the course of this nation. We have two months to fervently cry out to God


Thank you for this testimony- I walked and talked to God daily as I was raising my kids alone. Years later I married an amazing man that I truly believe was heaven sent. One day I felt overwhelmed with everyone’s needs- I walked upstairs to use the bathroom and said “Lord please just let someone ask me how my day was”. I walked back downstairs- my husband turned around and said “how was your day” 😊 I about cried. It was then I knew he has always been with me - hearing me 🙏🏻
