WHO TO CHOOSE? Standard Unit Selector Guide | Zenless Zone Zero ZZZ Guide

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In this video iamrivenous covers the standard banner S-Rank agents Grace, Rina, Koleda, Nekomata, Soldier 11 and Lycaon and evaluates which one is the best to pick for YOUR account. We will also have a look at their Mindscapes 1 and 2.

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00:00 - 00:29 Intro
00:30 - 01:29 Disclaimer & Prelude
01:30 - 02:56 Lycaon
02:57 - 05:29 Koleda
05:30 - 07:17 Grace
07:18 - 09:05 Rina
09:06 - 11:05 Nekomata
11:06 - 12:32 Soldier 11
12:33 - 13:46 Summary
13:47 - 15:20 Quick M1 Review
15:21 - 16:56 Quick M2 Review
16:57 - 17:16 Outro

#hoyocreators #zzzero #zzzguide
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If you're pulling for waifu pick Rina, if you don't have Rina pick Rina, if you have Rina then get M1 Rina.


the right choice is Rina there saved you all 18 minutes


super glad i got M1 Rina as soon after getting her off selector cause that buff uptime woulda really drove me up a wall in combat


For anyone from the future!

Koleda's additional ability will be VERY good for a certain bodyguard


Koleda gets a hard time but she was solid and versatile enough for me to skip Qingyi and Lighter which freed up poly for me to pull Ceasar and Miyabi respectfully.


My selector and actual pity are synced up within 5 pulls so I'm simply going to hit Lycaon or M1 Rina and select the other :)


I already have Lycaon and Rina M1 so I originally figured I'd pick up S11. But with the recent dripmarketing it seems like that choice is kinda irrelevant now, especially since I struggle to play her well anyway. Maybe it's time to play Nekomata cause funny.


I wanna add in the Pros of getting Lycaon/Rina and you already have the one or the other. The butler bangboo is soo good generically that by having a core of 2 Victoria Housekeeping members, you have a team that probably wont run into energy issues if there was any without the passive on


This whole video was so great to watch. Your presentation, your editing and style, your clear explanations. Such an awesome video, thank you, my friend 😊


so my take away for my account: c4 Nekomata may actually be the better choice for me. Not a whale, I have just lost ALL my 50/50 (every GD one of them), two of them to Neko. Also got Neko as my discounted standard banner 5 star and then got her again off standard as an early 5 star. I'm a dedicated Nekomata main at this point... she haunts me.


Finally hit it with Miyabi's banner. Ended up going for an M1 Lycaon.


People keep saying they lose their 50/50 to neko and are mad about it. Wish that was me, I wanna get her to M6 asap. Currently have her at M2 with sig


this opening is kinda fire?? well done and thank you to the editor here!

I already got lucky enough to get my three most beloved little guys on the standard banner (neko, rina, lycaon) so I will probably pick a mindscape for one of them when the time comes 🥺🤲 Rina's M1 will help her be an actual option in Harumasa's team, but Neko's M1 might make her feel playable again, something I regrettably lost when I pulled Jane


From the beginning, I was dead set on choosing Lycaon. Luckily enough, I recently got him along with Miyabi. Seeing as I already have most of the other characters, for me, it's just between Rina and Soldier 11.


It honestly makes me so sad that Nekomata is turning out to be the Yanqing of this game. I love her but while I don't fully consider myself a 100% meta player, I can't choose her over Rina who I also don't have yet.


Okay, my thoughts:

In the beginning, since Soldier 11 dropped for me and I mained her, then Grace dropped (twice), I wanted Koleda for the longest time.
Now I have Lighter and don't need Koleda though I won't be upset if she drops.
I wasn't a fan of Lycaon (mechanics; his character is cool tho) so not pulling Ellen was fine for me and it took me a while to care about Rina. Then there was Nekomata who I love but didn't click with her mechanics - not so bad now tho - but I have Jane Doe now.
So for a while I was thinking of just getting Soldier 11's first mindscape.
The S rank I currently now have : Soldier 11, Lighter, Miyabi, Yanagi, Qingyi, Harumasa, and Zhu Yuan. And technically, I mained Yanagi, now that might be Miyabi.
I have another S rank guarantee drop before the 300 wishes comes up (both are very soon) so whomever drops will determine who I choose.

Long story short, and if she doesn't drop normally, I'll probably choose Rina. :)

Edited for structure and word choice.


I hit Rina M1 and Lycaon M1, as well as S11 M1 right before I got to 300. I have Yanagi, Qingyi and Jane. So I effectively have no more use for Grace, Koleda or Nekomata unless Hoyo decides to release a mode that makes us use all of our agents, the more the better.
Guess I'll just be staring on the red exclamation mark on my signature search icon and my free standard S Rank until further notice. Lol


I'll either be going for Lycaon or Rina as I need to round out my teams and since I already have M1 Soldier 11, these are the best options.


When chosing, choose based on the gaps the character would fill rather than the oppurtunites since they will eventually get powercept for example if you have a zhu yuan team fully built and a half built yanagi team its best to get rina or rinas m1 rather than pick grace, neko or solider due to the extra recourses you have to allocate


Appreciate the breakdown, was given M3 Koleda and her W-Engine from lost 50/50s, somehow my lost 50/50s LOVE Koleda, so she's actually more helpful than my Lighter overall. Rina was then an easy choice thanks to your video. Wish I hadn't lost Qingyi and Ellen in the beginning.
