First impressions aren't what they used to be. Are yours captivating? | Zayna Rose | TEDxQueensU

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Learn how changes in the digital landscape are altering our chances for effective and compelling first impressions, including how to keep things in your favour. Image Strategist and Consultant Zayna Rose shows how working on your first impressions can transform the way you communicate and connect with others.

Zayna is an Image Consultant & Strategist at Zayna Rose Inc., her Toronto based practice. Her work involves image and lifestyle management, communications consulting, personal branding, styling, and public image development. Her clientele includes those in finance, technology, communications, education, athletics, and entertainment.

In addition to extensive image industry certifications, Zayna holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology from Queen’s University. She has held positions on the international board of the Association for Image Consultants International and currently serves as President of the Canadian chapter.

Zayna often appears in the media as an image expert and is asked to comment on international and domestic public image related stories. She has appeared on CTV, BNN, OWN, CBC, in Toronto Life, The National Post, The Globe and Mail, and more.

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An incredibly powerful talk by Zayna Rose! She successfully highlighted the importance of making a strong first impression in the digital world. Her unique blend of psychology and image strategy offers a fresh perspective on personal branding and image management. It's refreshing to see such a thoughtful analysis of how our digital identities can shape our real-world interactions. Keep up the great work, Zayna!


One of the best TEDx talks I've seen. Incredible message and so relevant in today's fast-paced society. It's so true that your style is a signal and first impressions are sticky. But the most compelling take away was that people are more than a category & if we don't teach ourselves to to see beyond and wonder beyond, we can miss out on so much education, joy and kindess-tell people who you are before they tell chills. Zayna Rose your authenticity, humor and candidness are contagious. I enjoyed it start to finish. Thank you!


The very idea of first impressions have changed with the digital times. This is a thoughtful and humorous take on image and communication in a fast, ever-changing world. A must-watch!


I love the statistics about the 'red sneakers'! Seems to corroborate with the idea of wearing something 'bold or unusual' when at a networking event or speaking engagement.


look for someone to make happy, and happiness find u thats first impression price of greatness is responsibility of life a mirror and reflect back to thinker what thinks into it


a little care, good thoughts, and clarity :) <3


Love this!! Such a powerful message and you did amazing sharing it!!


Let us be honest. Society only favours the attractive.


1:43 "People are hungry for what's authentic." When robots forget to incorporate their own data.


“Don’t make trees rare, keep them with care.”
"रूखहरुलाई दुर्लभ नबनाउनुहोस्, तिनीहरूलाई सुरक्षित गर्नुहोस्।"


Fantastic content! Really thought-provoking!


How this video don't have any comment? Incredible !


Since first impressions are made in a split second, there's nothing you can do once you walk out the door and into the world because it's over before it starts. Clothes, makeup, shoes, the mask you put on, you can do something about that beforehand. But the expression on your face, your posture and body language, the imperceptible movements of your eyes, it's too late. By then you've been seen and judged. Some investigators say says it takes even less than two seconds. Online, it's pix and fonts in less than a blink. This is life at no depth, just a razor thin sheen on the surface. That's an observation, not a judgment.


Well Appreciated and very inspiring Motivational Thoughts ..for the Professionals who wants to learn and develop their personal Image Development with having a good impression on others , Learn how changes in the digital landscape are altering our chances for effective and compelling first impressions, including how to keep things in your favour. Image Strategist and Consultant Zayna Rose shows how working on your first impressions can transform the way you communicate ..


I can't watch the whole video through. I can hear the moistness of the lips and it is not making me feel good.


normal TED gets more than 1M views but this less than 1M views


The topic is very interesting but the presenter...
