Ghost Of You - Donut Larsen

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Donut Larsen - Ghost Of You (Official Music Video)

Stream Ghost Of You:

Filmed by ‪Cameron Packee


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When I fell in love with this song, it was raw, a man, hustling for some beer, singing from his heart.

This official release is certainly more theatrical, and while it is still a spectacular song, it has lost that key sound of a man just hustling for some beer. I wish you nothing but success, my friend. Keep on doing your thing. I look forward to hearing it.


People are gonna come back to this video for years to see the start of something amazing


here from the dude with the beer on the corner store


I came across some video on shorts and this man was hustling for beer and I thought he was homeless but here he is, sounding just as raspy and perfect!




Hello from Taiwan🇹🇼,Oh my God, your voice is so great, you will be next Adele! Thank god, somebody find your talent!


This is what's missing from so much new music. Raw emotion. So happy to see this guy getting recognition!


Lyrics (I believe I have them right)

I did cocaine in Memphis, Tennessee
Underneath the ghost of Elvis Presley
No, it didn’t do a goddamn thing for me
Except make me wanna go and do more

It’s a habit that I like to abuse
After a long hard day of being misused
My socks are gone, somebody stole my shoes
And now my feet are cracked and blistered and sore

Grab me up another needle and spoon
I’ll be there soon up there with you
Tell me what you think I should do
Or to think about when all I think about is you

She was the circumstance that I could not surpass
All my viable solutions must have truly sounded crass
Well, I stood up on my feet and fell back down on my ass
Just to see I’m sick and twisted to the core

It’s something I don’t know how to explain
How this parasite inside of me is rearranging my entire brain
I swear, sometimes I feel as though I’ve gone insane
Then I see I really only wanted more

Looks like I’ve dug this hole I’m in too soon
Ain’t got no moon to light this road I’ve been traveling blue
I’ve been stuck here with these folks that I knew
Who left that ghost behind to show me how to smile when I’m thinking of you

Hell with these ghosts of you
Hell with these ghosts of you


I want this to be the last day of my 16 month cocaine addiction. This song speaks a lot to my struggle to realize what I've done to myself and the people around me and in my low moments I will come back to hear your lyrics for comfort and motivation. Thank you.


The pack of beer brought me here. You are awesome dude❤


What a raspy bluegrass voice…brother keep playing!


Man you inspired me so much to keep on! I was in the streets, went to rehab... just to relapse 6 year after. Now I'm 2 months clean again. I just discovered you and saw how far you have come, which helps me to keep going on. I don't even know if you are clean, but still good for you! I hope you the best


I met donut in Toledo and rode a few freight with him. Brother you are gonna acheive greatness. Stay solid and don't ever change. Hope to catch on the rails again. -whitewalker


I am absolutely amazed at this performance. I saw the video where he offered to play one of his songs for beer. Bro, I would have bought you as much alcohol as I could afford to hear all of your songs. I have been playing guitar for over 20 years. I have studied music theory, and put in a lot of hard work to be able to to just play what I hear in my head. This is real music from the soul. He isn't trying to overcomplicate things, he is just playing what the song needs. Every chord voicing, every lead line to fill the space, is put there for a purpose. I consider myself a pretty decent guitar player, but I couldn't write anything on this level. It's easy to play a bunch of notes and show off. It takes real talent to write songs that hit this hard. I would love to meet this man in person and pick his brain. I'm a heavy alcoholic, and seeing how he got recognized makes me feel a little bit better. Dönut Larsen, if you read this, please keep it up, I want to hear more.


That last high note at the end in the guitar playing well done outstanding I saw the heavens this put me to tears


Heartbroken when you only had 3 songs on Spotify….. please keep them coming, so bloody goood!!


Lots of talent lost to addiction/alcoholism. One of the most musically talented people I ever knew died of alcoholic seizures at 23 years old, choking on his own vomit in his bed. An absolutely astonishing artist I knew got into a drunken fight, got a little push that caused him to fall, hitting his head and dying. That's just two that I personally knew. I can't imagine how many we've lost to these addictions.

We are forever bereft of the gifts they brought to the world.


Finally a full version.
I've had your old video playing on the sidewalk on my playlist for a
Sending the greatest of vibes your way Donut
Hope that great things come your way ❤


I'm a recovering addict and a musician myself and this man has accomplished a dream, you can hear his soul letting out the anger from his past in his voice


Greetings from Brazil friend. Great voice awesome song
