Lion VS Tiger - Who Would Win A Fight? | BATTLE ARENA | DanCo VS

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Today in the Battle Arena, well we’ve got a battle for the true king of the jungle! Its a lion vs a tiger! So who’s coming out on top here? Who’s gonna win? Well lets find out!

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Headlines: Lions are NOT from jungles, the Tiger is the real king of the jungle


Lions spend their whole lives fighting and have been in dozens of fights B4 they've matured where tigers fight for territory after maturing


Lions are naturally more aggressive and dominant. The fact they grow up fighting other males for status in the pride they would overpower tigers if we are talking about wild lions. Captive lions and tigers would favour tigers cos lions wouldn’t have any fighting experience


I love these kinds of videos as a biology major and long time animal enthusiast who has done absurd amounts of research over the years. I haven’t watched the video yet but I can tell you that there isn’t much of a debate, tigers have everything lions do but are bigger and stronger. Lions and tigers have fought numerous times that we’ve seen and tigers USUALLY win, not always but usually. Also tigers are capable of taking down larger prey than an individual lion is able to. Tigers are just too much here. Curious what the video says.

Edit: Good stuff Dan, I agree completely!


Actually. The most powerful bite force out of every big cat is a jaguar. Then tiger than lion. I like the new content


People still use the 650lb bite force for that juvenile lion!? Adult lions can and do deliver a bite much higher than 650psi please get the accurate updated data


It can go either way actually, i would slightly favor the tiger just a little bit more. Adult male lions also don’t bite with 650 psi, that was actually subadult male that was measured with 650 psi, adult males lions actually bite with around 950 to 1000 psi meanwhile tigers normally bite with 1000 to 1050 psi.

Here’s the advantage of the lion

1. Protective neck mane, this cancels out the tigers main method of killing its rivals and prey quickly, drawling the battle out longer.

2. Lions are faster in speed then the tiger, longer legs help the lion run faster then the tiger in its open savannah habitat. Lions can hit 50 mph at max speed meanwhile tigers can hit about 40 mph at max speed.

3. More stamina, lions have better stamina then tigers because they have bigger lungs and a slightly bigger heart then tigers this helps aid in them being faster and having more stamina as well.

4. More aggressive, male lions tend to fight way more often then tigers do. Lions are known to be the more aggressive felines because of their more dominant personalities. Male lions actually love to fight, they usually have nothing to lose due to them being social animals, meanwhile tigers tend to avoid fights due to them being a solitary animal. Male lions are also better fighters then tigers in most cases due to them having to fight for dominance more often.

Here’s the advantages of the tiger

1. Slightly physically stronger, tigers are normally a little bit physically stronger then lions due to more muscle mass and their slightly heavier weight on average.

2. Slightly more powerful bite force, tigers usually bite with 1000 to 1050 psi meanwhile male lions bite usually bite with 950 to 1000 psi. Tigers also posses longer fangs and claws then lions.

3. Smarter then the lion, tigers have a slightly larger brain then lions, this meaning they are the smarter cat of the two.

That being said the tiger a 51% chance of beating the lion meanwhile the lion has a 49% chance of beating the tiger, this will be a very close battle regardless, point is sometimes the tiger will win and sometimes the lion will win.


*Animal Facts:* Lions are actually afraid of Elephants and more likely to run away and avoid them at all costs.


Tiger wins, Stronger more agressive and can stand better and longer on its back leggs which is essential in a fight.


These sorta drive me crazy. Sure it depends on size, strength, bite-force, and agility...but just like always...ATTITUDE, CONFIDENCE, PERSERVERNCE, and TECHNIQUE play a huge role...and that varies from animal to animal. "Most" of the time, if the 2 were the same size the tiger would win. But there are always Dan noted. Overall I'd say the tiger wins 7/10.


The Tiger is known to retreat if it cannot take down its prey a lion will typically fight til near death correct me if I have that mixed up


Why does everyone say because the lion is braver it will win? Bravery doesn't depict fighting ability or advantages


Male lions are specifically adapted to fighting other big cats tigers rarely encounter other tigers being mostly solitary and territorial avoiding other tigers when necessary head to head Male lion vs Male tiger lion wins


One thing out of the Tiger that cannot be underestimated: Tigers go for the throat or back of the neck. If a male lion has short mane fur or if the Tiger is going against a female lion, one bite on the neck and its all over.


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Hey danco, this was an awesome video as always. Just wondering if you could make komodo dragon vs leopard video


Ankara Zoo in 2010 saw a Tiger enter a lion’s exhibit. The battle didn’t last long, with a single swipe from the tiger severing the lion’s jugular. Another conflict between a lion and tiger occurred at New York City’s Bronx Zoo in 1914. The battle lasted much longer, but had a similar result with the tiger eventually breaking the back of the lion.


When he runs out of ideas 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Seriously. You couldn't do Santa Claus vs Odin or mutants vs inhumans?


Probably for the next one you should do Wolverine vs Honey Badger


tigers have that kill instinct, while lions have that fight & heart in them which is super good when it comes to fighting. tigers when they can’t kill bears or any other animals they tend to run away & flee from injury, while a lion doesn’t care with all that mane the tiger wont be able to go for the kill right away, the tiger would try to run but the lion has ENOUGH strength to hold a tiger & disembowel it or crush its throat. thus imo the heart, strength & fight from a lion is TOO much to deal with but it depends on the animal but imo the lion wins 7/10
