GPU L47: Dynamic Parallelism Memory and Synchronization

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Betapudi Sai Chaitanya cs18b053: what is the use of 2nd syncthreads
NIKAM ASHUTOSH SHASHIKANT ee16b143: It will be visible to all threads even without syncthreads. Because end of kernel is also a global barrier.
Mohit Singla cs17b113: can you repeat point once again
Kshitij Bipin Deogade cs17b104: This point only holds for default streams right?
Mohit Singla cs17b113: yes sir
Betapudi Sai Chaitanya cs18b053: what is the use of 2nd syncthreads
NIKAM ASHUTOSH SHASHIKANT ee16b143: It will be visible to all threads even without syncthreads. Because end of kernel is also a global barrier.
Mohit Singla cs17b113: can you repeat point once again
Kshitij Bipin Deogade cs17b104: This point only holds for default streams right?
Mohit Singla cs17b113: yes sir
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