A Call for New 'Revolutionaries'

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This is an (overly) ambitious video. I attempt to explain the broad strokes of a philosophy and worldview, paint contrasts between an 'is' and 'could be', and most importantly, encourage unconventional broad-picture thinking of the type we so need right this moment. I'd ask you to try to part with labels (republican, conservative, socialist, capitalist..) as you listen, and consider that most of these are antiquated, constraining, narrow and unhelpful.. and that ideal solutions might be found elsewhere.

I've purposefully gone to some 'extremes', mentioning (without elaboration!) things like centrally planned economies or meritocratic councils of judges to help eliminate vices and guide the cultural development path, in an attempt to break away from current thought-forms and conceptions and encourage unconventional thinking on the broadest level.

Things are moving very quickly now, with so many variables at play.. and though I do have a good feeling about the general 'inertia', I can't be certain what might occur in D.C. on the 6th, or 20th. For these reasons and others, I think speaking to specific solutions or paths forward is less valuable than finding core conceptions we might agree upon and rally around - and begin creating 'idea pathways' accordingly.
The envisioning of new frameworks and fleshing out of such concepts takes time.. and the clock is ticking.

To summarize the key points,
I believe we need..
1. ..true 'nations' - which aren't like hotels, airports, or shopping malls, but rather a *home* to a *family*: 'Philia' is key.
2. ..to simplify, and to learn to need and want *less*, with a renewed focus on what truly matters.
3. ..to studiously develop any new structure (political, economic, spiritual, philosophical) from the ground up with an eye towards staving off even the most creative attempts at subversion, parasitism, corruption foremost in mind.
4. ..to cultivate something of a new human type, an 'Overman' that bends the knee only to God - immune to petty temptations and distractions, fostering a relationship with the divine in their place - everywhere seeking to manifest greater strength, health, and beauty
5. ..to be willing to fight not merely to better our own lot, but that of others.. with a recognition that a failure here essentially guarantees the international domination of an enemy ideology/culture - which would then proceed to place us foremost in the crosshairs, with unlimited money and manpower at their disposal - making it both the right thing to do, and an absolute *necessity*.

We may be nearing a point at which those that refuse to accept the worldview pushed by the media and their handlers will be 'locked out', accordingly.. economically, socially/culturally, politically. The 'virus' may be this trigger. The ideal preparation for this would be to reach a place where nothing is *needed* from this corrupt system and its willing collaborators, and to be in a position to help like-minds in similar positions around the world.

We really do all have a role to play.. that role may be something as straightforward as raising and educating a healthy and well-oriented child, or being a true friend and support to others.. or it may be something more involved. I've always found it a helpful visual to imagine we form a collective body, with each individual acting as a different organ or limb. A body works best when all play their prescribed roles (and only their prescribed role) to the best of their ability.

Proactivity is strongly encouraged.

I sincerely hope you're all well, and keeping your gaze fixed upward.. we live in exciting times, and there's every reason for optimism right this moment.

For those who support the work: *thank you*:

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19240 Jensen Way NE
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Poulsbo, WA 98370

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Рекомендации по теме

Traditionalism is the most revolutionay ideology of our times.

- Julius Evola


All of the prepping, and guns, and off-gridding in the world is not going to help us if we aren't organized into defensible, productive, and ideologically linked communities.


Asha Logos and Robert Sepehr: the last two reasons to watch YouTube.


“We’re up against some of the most aggressively deceitful criminals in human history.” Well said


This is exactly what we all need to be doing - discussing the world we want to build.


"The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes."

-Aldous Huxley


"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change themselves." Leo Tolstoy


My mother always told me when something gets bad enough you’ll change it. It’s bad enough now to change it.


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When I think of God looking down on us, I imagine him weeping because he understands what lies ahead for his followers


"The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter." Bill Mollison the "Father of Permaculture"


Homesick for a place I'm not even sure exists


Can't agree with the idea of more democracy. Voting for this, voting for that. Slow, stupid, and engineered democracy is partly responsible for our downfall


I'm a simple man. I see an Asha Logos video, I drop everything I'm doing to watch it.


If there is hope for positive change, it will come in the form of our folk....


At the last battle, I really hope it's you speaking the rallying cry, because I know I would fight to the bone being reminded so absolutely of all the glorious history and ancestors behind us driving us forth towards whatever may come.


"Waking up to find your father dead, your house on fire and your siblings in a stupor"...exactly. God bless you Asha Logos, and thank you for everything.


God bless you, sir. You give me hope.


This is the finest video I've seen in a while: a perfect description of our twisted times. A tour de force.


This message will go down in history. God bless you Asha Logos.
