Flying or food: Which is worse for the planet?

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What's the carbon footprint for the military? They don't seem to be involved in the conversation


8 billion people need to eat, 8 billion people aren’t using air travel.


Dear Channel 4, the thumbnail your are showing is nothing more than pure water steam coming out of a refrigeration tower. I know it is quite shocky an image, but that is not pollution. Please change it and be aware of it for future publications. I've seen this mistake made time and time again, it's about time the public gets rigurous reporting on climate breakdown.


Stop talking about food when the Uk alone wastes around 40%, a little effort to distribute d food properly will reduce so much extra land we use for farming etc


Anyone know why Channel 4 isn't reporting on the case of Julian Assange?

There are new news items on the BBC, RT, The Guardian and The Times as of today.


Everyone eats, only the richest 1% flys


Food on planes is worse than both of those options.


Honestly government you just make everything worse so just stop, we get it carbon emissions are a problem, but don't make the solution worse than the problem. For example climate politics create poverty and poverty causes pollution so stop it with the politics and create prosperity to solve the problem


Food rations in WW2 were law because people even when being bombed will not act out of the goodness of their heart during an emergency. Companies want to make it about the individual to deflect the conversation from what is needed: a border carbon tax. Put a price on it and people will act with their wallets.


Has anybody thought how much carbon and other toxic emissions where released by wars especially WW1 and WW2 and nuclear testing in the 1950's, 1960's and early 1970's, remembering this additional to known industrial and leisure created emissions?

Since planet warming moves at pace slower than a glacier, have we near or have passed the point of no return?


Flying is as bad as it gets for the environment.

That's the one big change most can make, everything else is window dressing.


What produces more co2 Leeds or London ? Which city needs to cut back its footprint


1) Food is perishable.
2) good food is thrown out because of sell-by dates, not expiration dates. This is done to avoid a) human harm b) litigation from "allowing" human harm through expired food
3) supply chains are NOT perfect, and will never be. Things people don't imagine cause interruptions in food supplies to needy countries, including local warlords who use our food aid to extort fear and control over local populations, political emnities, and the very politicians YOU vote into office (even those who you trusted, because they were singing your favorite love songs to get elected) either can't change things or benefit from them not changing.
4) so many people with grand ideas of repurposing food for greener measures... they bail, or they never even try, because it's hard work and not very lucrative.
5) Gov't measures to improve situations often end up foiling innovation that would help solve problems like food waste.

Disdain for waste, greed, etc, isn't bad, nor the criticisms false. But tge solutions are way harder than you expressing a pious opinion about it.


I hate how much contempt the mainstream media has for humanity.

Do the staff working there not realise that they are subject to the same policies and decisions they are refusing to question when they produce content such as this?


CO2 from flying leaves the CO2 in the upper atmosphere as well as soots that also have a greenhouse effect. Over generalisations are used to favour certain narratives.

Changes need to be made on every front, whether on the individual level and our influence on others or industries and their problematic lobbying. It isn't either/or.


there are some notable omissions which makes this whatever utterly pointless.

methane has a halflife of 9 years in the atmosphere whilst CO2 has a halflife of 120 years
methane is about 10% of emissions in 2019
40% methane comes from the process of making coal, natural gas and oil.

this is yet more evidence of how fossil fuel lobbiest are changing the conversation


Ok, you will leave people hungry and without flights, but how will you deal with volcanic emissions? Or were volcanoes canceled because they violate the narrative?


No to discriminatory vaccine passports


Do you know the scale of communism that we are on? Do you know the scale of Christ's return for His bride. Do you know what scale you will be on if you take the mark if the beast?


The average woman in Africa has 5+ children.
