Long-time China advisor on Pres. Donald Trump's move to eliminate special treatment for Hong Kong

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Robert Kuhn, long-time advisor to the Chinese government, joins “Closing Bell” to discuss what’s at stake as Trump moves to eliminate special treatment for Hong Kong.

President Donald Trump on Friday announced he would begin taking steps to revoke Hong Kong’s favored trade status with the United States, in response to a controversial new security law passed by China’s parliament that would effectively bar political protest in Hong Kong.

“I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment,” Trump said during a Rose Garden event at the White House.

“My announcement today will affect the full range of agreements that we have with Hong Kong, from our extradition treaty, to our export controls and technologies,” Trump said. “We will take action to revoke Hong Kong’s preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China.”

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Hong Kong will be fine without US. The purchasing power from Chinese will keep Hong Kong prosperous. So many Chinese cities are doing great! Life in China is so much safer, modernized than the US. It’s the people, the education, the general morale, the sense of unity. You have the freedom to walk, take the bus, go to a restaurant, shopping, almost anywhere anytime. In the US the failed system makes it suicidal if you go to certain areas at certain time. It’s the overall failure of the society. No matter how many guns you have, you cannot get the freedom to be safe.


Nowadays, anyone who say anything abjective and fair about china is 'propaganda'. How pathetic..


China's poverty rate fell from 88 percent in 1981 to 0.7 percent in 2015, and the goal is 0 in 2020. Remember This is a country with 1.4B people.


Chinese be like:

Stand with Minneapolis

Fight for freedom


It is so much easier to criticise China over Hong Kong when inconvenient history isn’t taught in our schools; you also miss the shameless hypocrisy of the British, who took Hong Kong after the first Opium War—you know, that war that began because the British wanted to buy their tea with socially-destructive opium instead of silver, of which William Gladstone said: “It is a matter of certainty that if we stopped the exportation of opium from Bengal and broke up the depot at Lintin and checked the cultivation of it in Malwa and put a moral stigma upon it, that we should greatly cripple if not extinguish the trade in it. The great principles of justice are involved in this matter... You (talking the Foreign Minister, an aggressive proponent of the opium wars), you will be called upon to show cause for your present intention of making war upon the Chinese. They gave us notice to abandon the contraband trade, the trade in opium. When they found that we would not, they had the right to drive us from their coasts on account of our obstinacy in persisting in this infamous and atrocious traffic... I am not competent to judge how long this war may last, but this I can say, that a war more unjust in its origin, a war more calculated in its progress to cover this country with permanent disgrace, I do not know, and I have not read of." (And a few days later, writing: “I am in dread of the judgments of god upon England for our national iniquity towards China."
If anyone thinks China will let Hong Kong get away from it, the way it views Taiwan has, they either have a short view of history or an immunity to irony and hypocrisy. After a ‘century of humiliation’, which the Chinese do study, China will not kowtow to imperial powers easily.


This is the Moment like Roman Emperor Constantine dividing the EMpire into West and East. The Moment of the Fall of West Rome. East Rome still prevails...ASIA will take over!


This guy works for China. It’s published


Whenever USA leave, most of world happy.

Start take US shares


I like the way he left the media, with their tongues hanging out.


What would American people feel if Chinese government says " Minneapolis, fight for your freedom and radial equality, we are with you". Americans, Please do not do this to China on HK issue. Do not do something that you don't want other people do on you.


Why are they glorifying China like this?


Sara's so desperate to have every say just to get attention, she's absurd.


Not true China wants to build HK as a technology hub...all funding is granted to Shenzhen instead. No money is being poured into technological innovations industry in HK. Get your facts right!!


I can't breathe (George Floyd from Minneapolis)!


has anyone on this message board been to China?


How about it’s not up to China, has this advisor ever fathomed that idea


Hey Donnie Boy. How about getting a pair of Nike or New Balance running shoes and begin training for a Marathon (26.2) Miles. With enough training, that is, running daily for 16 to 18 months, before the Marathon Date, you may be able to achieve a Boston Marathon Qualifying Time in your age group (70-74). Now running with your feet, is going to feel so much better than running your mouth all of the time. And Donnie, you will feel better about yourself. You will never be the same after your first 26.2 mile marathon. With a finishing metal you then get cred time and some authentic bragging rights. Only .5 % of people in the USA have completed a marathon.


Trump is willing to sacrifice your lives for the stockmarket and he is willing to sacrifice the stockmarket for his presidency.


US is helpless as influence over Chis minimal if not non-existent.


China opened Golden Duck's stomach, Bye Girl.
