Female Facial Rejuvenation | Before and After | Dr. David Stoker

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Dr. David Stoker, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles. We have a beautiful pan facial rejuvenation approach on a patient who appears that she has such a dramatic improvement in her aesthetics and in her age that it looks like I used my Traceless Facelift technique. In fact, we didn't even need to do that. We did a cluster of procedures that included a chin augmentation, submental liposuction of the neck and the jowl area, buccal fat pad reduction, and then artistically performed filler in the tear troughs and in the cheeks.

She's 42 years old, and she's of mixed ethnicity. I believe she's part Korean and part European, which gives her the features of a stronger jawline. It really gave us a framework around which we could work, but I think it's that northern European ancestry that led to some of the wrinkles and premature aging, and that's what we targeted with these procedures.

Look at the profile view and you see that her chin is under-projected. That allows the skin to sag down here. It gives her an overall shape of her face that I'd say is just not quite the ideal aesthetics, and it makes her appear older than she needs to be. On frontal view, you can see that she has puffy cheeks combined with a rounder face with her Asian ancestry. It almost makes her look like she's overweight when in fact she isn't. You can see also that she's got extra skin and extra fat under the chin, and is hanging almost like a hammock from an under-projected jawline. Other things that you can see in a frontal view and the oblique three-quarters view include tear-trough shadows where she's got darker circles under her eyes and flatter cheekbones.

We performed a chin implant through a submental incision. I used an extended anatomical implant that gave her the ideal aesthetics for her facial bone structure, and that was key. That then gave me a framework over which I could re-drape her skin. Since we were taking up some of that laxity with the chin implant, I could then perform liposuction in this area to fine-tune those jowls and the submental fat. That means the fat underneath the chin here, and the difference is profound. Check out those profile views. I love the overall aesthetics of her face after the procedure.

The third thing we did is a buccal fat pad reduction, that's the cheek fat in this area. It's not good for people who have skinnier faces, but if you have a round or a plumper face, it can have a really profound impact without anybody having any idea what you've done. It makes them look like they have more optimal aesthetics as well as a little bit leaner and more fit. And that's exactly what it did for her. She's got a beautiful balance in her face.

Now, what I call icing on the cake for her was doing performance fillers afterward in a very artistic way. We filled in her tear troughs here with some beautifully done hyaluronic acid and we used a longer acting filler in her cheekbones to give her more structure. If you look at her from the profile view, and also in the oblique view, you can see that the extra fullness in her cheeks not only looks great in and of itself, but it helps to lift up the cheek a little bit and take up some of that laxity she might have after removing the buccal fat pad there.

The overall final impact, the bottom line, in this case, made a dramatic improvement for her. She looks gorgeous, better than she's looked in a long time, maybe ever, made a huge difference in her life, and it was really fun helping her out. Maybe in 10 years, we'll get her back for our Traceless Face and Neck Lift procedure but in this case, she didn't need it. We got the job done with these other techniques.

This is Dr. David Stoker, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles, discussing facial rejuvenation on patients in their early forties.



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Рекомендации по теме

Looks really good. I can't tell she is part Korean if you didn't mention it. Chin implant gave her a very nice profile and improved the jowling. Did she get a lip lift as well? Her philtrum curved up in the after photo.


What an amazing job. I called your office for a consult!
