GoPro Hero4 SILVER vs GoPro Hero3+ BLACK HD

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We take a less then Quicklook at the visual quality difference between the new GoPro Hero4 Silver, againt the GoPro Hero3+ Black. We put these cameras head to head to see how they handle in day light, low light, and night conditions across several resolutions such as 2.7k and reaching up to 60fps. We also test the cameras out under water, see how well the focus level holds up this time around and see what issues we can make pop up.

List of Cameras:
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Micro SD Card suggestions

Firmware Version installed during the creation of this video:

"info version":"1.02",
"camera type":"Hero4 SilverEdition",

"info version":"2.00",
"camera type":"GoPro Hero3+" "Black",
Photo links coming soon

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October 2014

All of the information in this video is provide to the best of my knowledge in Oct 2014 at launch of these cameras. These cameras are bound to get continued support over time and some of this information in this video might become inaccurate. I suggest subscribing to this channel to keep up to date on the latest changes or follow us social subreddit community listed below.

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Go pro oficial channel should use this video to answer thousand of questions of comparison. Well done mark


Thanks Mark, this is the best comparison review I've seen yet, and I've watched many.


One of the best comparison on the web especially at 6:45 with the smart dipslay of different views. Thank you for sharing!


i never comment on videos but this was very useful and its helped me pick the right camera for me. thank you


Decided on the 4 Silver because of your video. Thanks for the detailed review.


Awesome video man, once again! Super stoked to get my Silver. More and more, I think its the right choice.


Read from one of your comments about the Neatvideo noise removal. I have it and use it with my GoPro Hero 4 and yes its a beast. 


thank you @MarkHawkCam for your video, because of you I'm buying a hero4silver! :)


Hey Mark,

I wanna thank you for your nice comparisons. it really helps me to decide which GoPro to buy.
i've been watching many of them and now im pretty sure im gonna spent the money for the Hero4Silver.
i think it will be worth it's money.

you really deserve more subscribers for your fantastic work!. :) thanks!


I'd like to get the hero 4 silver but if I find a hero 3+ black first I won't be disappointed. There isn't a massive difference between the two.


Think I ran over that guy and his dog at 1:40 with my car in GTA V.


nice, good work done, thank you Mark!!!


Hey dude, this comparison is really awesome, really good work, like they said, gopro should have it in his webpage :). I have a doubt; in the last pictures the gopro hero 4 Silver has a description with PROTUNE ON GOPRO COLOR, and the Gopro Hero3+ does not have that description, why?, the hero3+ black cant have protune for photos or what?.
Hope you can answer me.


very well done and very usefull Ive made my mind up to go for a 4 thanks


Good comparison, thank you this was very helpful


Your comparisons are amazing. I would love to see one involving the Replay XD Prime X. I'm trying to decide between that and a GoPro hero 4 and possibly a Sony action cam :)


VERY WELL DONE! Thanks so much for this video


Dude only 6k subs?!? You deserve way more! I subbed cause the quality of this vid and the time you put in to help us out is awesome! I have a question, would you suggest upgrading from my 3 black to the 4 silver? The night lapse setting just blows me away! I currently have a hero 2, and 3 black


Hey Mark,

nice comparison! i think i buy the hero 4 silver for the next season. 

in view all your videos and my conculsion is the hero 4 is a little bit better than the 4 black.

whats your conclusion? :)

best regards from germany! 


Hey Mark! Nice video... I have the gopro3+ do you think it's worth the upgrade.... My videos will be for fitness clips... And bit of abstract?
