So What Happens Now in Helldivers 2?

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After recently wiping the Automatons from the galaxy, it begs the question: What will come next in the Helldivers 2 universe? An Illuminate invasion? Or just bug stomps for a while as we enjoy the upcoming Warbond?

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I kind of miss fighting the robots, they were kind of fun. I hated them at first but now I like them.


Joel just wanted some time to make the people that fights bots exclusively to play against bugs.
Automatons will soon be at Cyberstan


hopefully illuminate first and then bots make a return take cyberstan or something and then they all start pushing towards super earth and hopefully we get some urban conflict let me live my war of the worlds / terminator fantasy also hope they add like two way battles would be epic to see a hulk flamethrower some bugs instead of me for a change


A week of bug squishing and then after the weekend the Illuminates will slowly show up. It would be cool if they just sometimes showed up in a bug mission and then eventually get their own war front. And a few weeks after that the Automatons are back. This is just the calm before the storm. And it will be a big one.


I think this is great. I've never seen an enemy faction destroyed in a multiplayer shooter. Defending Draupnir and Vandalon and liberating Creek together with the Cape they added to include the Malevalon as part of history as one of the most bloody battles of the war was great. And that last push for the last three planets got me hooked to the game for the whole weekend.

It's a video game where the community made it's Lore by playing. Amazing!


I started as a bugdiver. My love for them came from starcraft 2 where I played as zerg. But I wanted to make a difference so I did all the warfront wanted of me. My love for killing the automatons came after some time, and now I already miss them.


If I recall on me being a naive kid picking Helldivers 1. It is that I absolutely DESPISED fighting against the illuminate.


*You will eat ze bugs, you will live in ze pod, you will own nothing, and you will be happy*


I used to be a bugs only player and then I started trying sneaky attacks in the Creek, after a bit I got such a firm grasp on the bots that I was no longer interested in fighting the bugs. Bots may swarm but have nothing on the bastard hunters.


I've never even played this game but I'm so excited that there's a game out there like this that organically grows the lore is such a fun way. Genuinely curious about what comes next lol


We're all so hopeful. Really, I bet Joel throws us a challenge for once.

Automatons attack Cyberstan from outside the Galaxy in a surprise attack.
The illuminate return in the south.
The terminids become immune to the TCS and start invading liberated space again.

And of course, the Skaven burrow up from beneath Super Earth attacking the homeworld.


What happens next is going to depend mostly on how close to ready the Illuminate are. If the devs have them completed and playable, they might be released and the bots might not show back up for a while so we can focus on the new faction.
If the Illuminate are not ready to be released, the bots will try to reach Cyberstan in a few days, using a big fleet they were hiding outside of the galaxy.


I encountered two factory striders so far, but one almost immediately stepped on a random hellbomb and died.


Fighting the bots is actually a lot more fun than the bugs. The sooner they strikes back the better.


I think we'll make a good bit of progress on the bugs if not outright eradicate them before a surprise attack takes place. From either the bots the illuminate or both. And if the bugs are gone that forces helldivers to adapt to the bots and/or the illuminate whether they want to or not.


Yeah anyone thinking that's the last we've seen of them is dreaming. Expect a lot more Botnam in future - I'm thinking they'll learn and fill in the gaps in their arsenal with ooooh something like a cyberhound that moves fast, leaps and mauls you to hell fast.


I kind of don't miss the bots that much. But like the Wars from Helldivers 1, they will be back soon.


I clicked for the Ministry of Truth update, and stayed for the fantastic music from Total Annihilation! Fitting as we totally annihilated robots, lol.


Automaton destress signal received and understood awaken the legions *prepare the fleet*


Love their take on main objectives and sub objectives. All of it have a set of sequence, not just press E. Hope they add more.
