Nassim Haramein on The Quantum Science behind Personal & Global Healing

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About Nassim
Nassim Haramein is also the CEO of Torus Tech LLC and CEO of ARK LLC. He is developing advanced resonance technologies for energy production and gravitational control. These applications are based on over 30 years of research in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, as well as cultural anthropology and archeology.

These studies led to his groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in unified science. As a result, Haramein founded the Resonance Science Foundation in 2004, a non-profit organization dedicated to theoretical research and education, Torus Tech LLC in 2015, a private applied research laboratory, and ARK LLC in 2016 to commercialize the first applications.

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In this Episode We Canvas:
Consciousness Versus Universe
There’s lots of philosophy and physics that’s been written based on the idea that consciousness is fundamental. The idea of consciousness was unacceptable in physics but within the last 15 years it has become acceptable with retired physicists working on it and writing about it. Nassim equates the lack of defining consciousness to replacing a problem with an unknown. He can't refer to consciousness as the universe because it's actually more like information that is learning about itself, and that's how the question of AI comes up. He believes that we will tap into the fundamental field of AI and create a synthetic intelligence when we solve the puzzle of quantum computing based on the right physics.

Why We Have Individual Perspectives
The idea that we all come from a unified information brings up the question of why we have individuality within us. Nassim answers that by highlighting that the universe is fundamentally fractal and it’s a more complex fractal than we would expect, because the information reiteration is occurring in every point in such a way that each point’s perspective is part of the equation continuously changing. That means that if two people put an object between themselves, and each person sees their side of the object and the object is spinning, one person would see it spinning clockwise while the other would see it spinning counter-clockwise. The two people will therefore be getting two sets of information about the same thing. That demonstrates how and why nobody experiences the universe from the same perspective.

The Role of Subjectivity with Truth
Nassim explains that we all have a subjective experience and that when we try to find our individual truth we can only get it to a certain extent because we are part of one whole which must come together for us to know the ultimate truth. That means that we must look within ourselves to know the ultimate truth. The field of information that connects to us has a link to all the other fields in the universe through our atoms, subatomic particles, and how far we want to go. Every time we dig deeper, the information matrix density gets much larger. Many masters that have come to the earth have said that when we go inside we will find the universe, all answers, and God.

Deepening Our Connection to Going Inwards
Nassim feels that we must spend time being aware of the fact that it’s necessary to look within ourselves and practice it more. He set very high standards for himself internally and that made him push himself to be better every time despite the fact that on the outside everybody else saw his skiing techniques as perfect. That’s the same way we must apply looking into ourselves.

The Science of Global Healing
Recent discoveries have shown that particles are not only entangled in space but they’re entangled in time. The term spacetime was coined by Einstein as a result of his equations and the fact that he saw that space and time were intricate to each other. That means that time is not what we think of it as because the concept we have of time is based on the concept of evolution. It’s information on the structure of space that gives the linear concept of time, but this information is not isolated. Nassim speaks about the science behind the idea that we are all quantumly entangled and examples of its impact include an instance where 100,000 people meditated in a park in Boston and crime decreased for 5 years. The same space where that was possible is the space where global healing and personal healing can take place. How they occur is neither mystical nor caused by anything outside of ourselves, but rather how they occur is fundamental to the way things work.
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Glad to see Nassim back on the world stage again. We need his voice, insights & fundamentals of physics more than ever now. Please see The Connected Universe movie about him, more than ten years old now. It is time to grasp what he is saying even if mainstream physicists ignore him.


Love Nassim! And thank you Mr. Sandhu, you make a comment once in a while but you don't constantly interrupt endlessly with your opinion, you are a rare interviewer, congratulations.


YEW !!! Thank you ALL for WATCHING !!! 🙏🏻If you could humbly do us a massive favour, please hit subscribe and turn notifications on it helps us more than you know - it let's YouTube know that this content is important and allows it to be shown to more people that may benefit from Nassim's wisdom 🙏🏻 Currently we have 94% of regular viewers than haven’t Subscribed 😅 Appreciate You All 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Thank You Amrit, Nassim …for the venue and the thread.


Love to the open mind who can laugh!! True joy both of u❤


"I am 100% mystic" I love that. Sadhguru says: "When you perceive reality the way it is, you get labelled a mystic. You should actually be labelled a normal human being."


This is Nassim at his best. He articulates the technical stuff so anyone can understand. The ramifications are awe inspiring. A "must watch" for anyone who cares about mankind's future.


Nissam talking to you in Melbourne - so fantastic. Love his humble outlook most of all. A wonderful person, a super interview!


This is amazing! That is wonderful that you got him on your show


The example of skiing is very well aligned with experiencing of dance improvisation - and I feel that the concepts “ inside” and “ outside” as dynamically intertwined with the vibrational fields of information like cosmic experience of changing the lived body-heart-mind-world to become more fluid…more transparent….transcending experiences of inside-outside into ……riding on energy waves into oneness …. 🎶🖤🎵🐦‍⬛


We are all One connected to the Unified field. Vesica Piscis, Trinity. Nassim is inspired in the Truth he will advance all with his knowledge.


nice introduction, to cut short he has spend 30 years to connect the dots! great work love it!


Good grief! I needed me some Nassim, thank you, Amrit. ❤️


1:01 And if that wasn't long enough... yea, wow...some things take term before you can put it together into one whole. Hey, anyone who is gifted with more than one talent knows that you have to somehow juggle all those capabilities to one day get them all working together in a perfect flow...haha. I love this guy, he's great. Nassim Haramein. He's a genius. Just like David Adair...but different.


I so want Nassim to meet Sadghuru and be interviewed.


OI I could listen to him for years. THANK YOU Nassim


All in good time, The body knows when you the amalgamation of so many things is ready.


I feel like Nassim is reincarnation of great poet lived in 1369 – 1417 y. His name was Nasimi. And he did look like Nassim😊. He was esoteric, metaphysic.
"Both worlds within my compass come, but this world cannot compass me
An omnipresent pearl am I and both worlds cannot compass me
I am the stars, the sky, the angel, revelation come from God
So hold your tongue and silent be! There is no tongue can compass me
I am the burning bush. I am the rock that rose into the sky.
I am the atom, sun, four elements, five saints, dimensions six
Go seek my attributes! But explanations cannot compass me
I am both shell and pearl, the Doomsday scales, the bridge to Paradise
With such a wealth of wares, this worldly counter cannot compass me

I am the Holy Book, its letters, he to whom God spoke
The word, the one who spoke it and the argument I am
I am the Holy Book, its letters, he to whom God spoke
The word, the one who spoke it and the argument I am
Pay due regard to form, acknowledge content in the form, because
Body and soul I am, but soul and body cannot compass me" I.Nasimi, translation by Sami Yusuf. But in original version, in old azerbaijani language, it sounds amazing and more rich.


You actually managed to get THE NASSIM H. In your show?? Wow dude impressive!!
Now CMA wouldn't be a problem for you.
If he says no then I'll ask him personally as well.
