Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms: Impacts on Climate and Trade

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June 30, 2021

Carbon border adjustments are under active consideration in several countries. These proposals are similar in one respect — each would tax imports of certain goods in order to account for perceived higher carbon content in the production of these goods in the exporting country. However, they differ significantly when it comes to the goods to which they would apply, whether the adjustments are intended to level the playing field or tilt it, and which countries would benefit or lose the most under such a system. At this webinar, a panel of experts will discuss some of the concepts and proposals for carbon border adjustments in the U.S., the EU and elsewhere, and the possible impacts on both climate and international trade.

This event is sponsored by the Baker Institute Center for Energy Studies. Follow @CES_Baker_Inst on Twitter, and join the conversation online with #BakerEnergy.

Catrina Rorke: Vice President of Policy, Climate Leadership Council
Michael Mehling: Deputy Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, MIT; European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition
Aaron Cosbey: Senior Associate and Development Economist, International Institute for Sustainable Development; European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition
James Roaf: Climate Change Policy Coordinator, International Monetary Fund

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