Tired of Stressing About Money? You Need A Budget

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Award-winning software for the web, iOS, and Android plus a proven method to teach you how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, get out of debt, and save more money. Try it free for 34-days and see how YNAB is so different (spoiler alert: because it works!).
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I’ve been using YNAB for 2 months and have saved well over 1000 dollars. (Where the hell was this money going before?) Well with YNAB, you just know because every dollar has a job. My wife was flabbergasted that you have to PAY for the service... it seems a little counter intuitive but it’s not only the apps ur you’re paying for. YNAB’s true value is in the people that run the courses, give you sound financial advice, and help you get your finances (and your future) under control. MONEY WELL SPENT.


Subscriptions the future folks. Plus this way you can rest assure they’ll be driven to continue to innovate on the product, they have to stay relevant to earn your dollars every year. I’d rather pay for great than settle for free, mint is a great example of that.


I love YNAB. I find the app very useful. I'm not sure what people are doing wrong when they say they don't understand it. I've been with them over 2 months and it took me maybe 2 days of constantly watching there videos and listening to there pod cast and I got it!!!! I'm very satisfied with the results i'm getting. This method of giving every dollar a job got me waiting on payday just so i can budget. I make it out of a game for myself. Thumbs up from me.


I'm still trying to understand how this app works. It feels like they use convoluted terms to do the same things that other apps do which complicates things even more.


I got to this video from the YNAB website because I clicked on a link "about how it works." This video is 1 minute of strumming guitars that does NOT explain how the software works.


TFW you can guess what the annoying background music will sound like before the video begins.
