Top 10 Tips for Max Weight Loss from Dr. McDougall

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#vegan #healthy

***I should have caught this when I was editing this video, but I accidentally said that bread is 2500 calories per pound, but it is 1500. Sometimes I don't hear myself talking I guess.... Excuse the error!!***

1) Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.

2) Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert.

3) Greatly reduce of eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.

4) Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).

5) Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).

6) Eliminate any added oil.

7) Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e. bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.

8 ) Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).
9) Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself
10) Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).

Music by: David Cutter Music
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Bread is actually only about 1, 500 Calories Per Pound. You said 2, 500 I believe which is the calorie density of chocolate.


1. Fill up on non starchy vegetables or fruit then move to starch
2. 50/50 veg/starch
3. Reduce added sugar and salt because they cause overeating
4. Eliminate animal foods
5. Eliminate higher fat plants
6. Eliminate added oil
7. Eliminate high calorie dense foods- muffins, dried fruit, biscuits, popcorn, puff cereal- anything processed etc
8. Don't drink your calories including smoothies. Eat veg as and fruit whole
9. Eat until you are comfortably full, don't starve or stuff yourself
10. Avoid sedentary and exercise at least 30 minutes moderately a day. Heavy workouts aren't necessary. Weight loss happens in the kitchen


Weight loss comes from eating the right food...yes! I did a video on how I lost 70 lbs just changing to a plant based diet, with no exercise, no counting calories, no “dieting, ” no eating below the hunger drive. Once I lost 55 lbs I wanted to move more and started walking, which I continue to do because I like it. Moving the body is important, without a doubt. But the biggest changes for me came from changing what was on the end of my fork.


Down 75lbs.. Just now starting to get active. You're completely right.


You look so healthy. Your eyes, skin and face say it all. You're a great representative of what a healthy lifestyle can look like!


That's so true, Last year I walked 8-13 miles a day including a moderate hike in a canyon and 2 hours at the gym doing cardio, weights and a workout class, ate sem-healthy but still drank a coke a day and the scale hardly budged. Now I'm stuck at home due to a back injury and can hardly move but I'm losing weight due to eating healthy whole foods such as fruit and vegetables and have lost more in a month than I did the 5 months I busted my ass off last year!!


Nice summation of the great work that Dr. McDougall does. Everyone should watch this video.

The fact that terrible ketogenic/paleo/low-carb diets are the new fad is depressing. The answer is so simple... yet, as Dr. McDougall himself says: "People like to hear good news about their bad habits."


Just moved to a plant based diet after losing almost 13 st. I see this as a way of keeping the weight off. Wish I had seen sense on the way down to my current 9.5 stones. I sure made it hard for myself. God bless Dr McDougall and your channel. Thank you Jane


Saw your video on Soup & Salad yesterday. You are amazing! And I go along w/everything you're saying even the parts about other people NOT being excited about going SOS . . . and vegan. Your instructions on using the knife to chop, how to measure, and all of it just impresses me to no end! I can't thank you enough for sharing your knowledge and methods. I am not on FB any longer and want to subscribe to your channel whenever you get that going! I look forward to it immensely. Your looking out for your mother's health is so touching and kind. I'm a senior citizen with CAD & PAD, so this method of cooking and prepping food is absolutely essential to me.


When I've asked personal trainers what's the biggest issue (food vs. exercise) that creates a slim, fit body...overwhelmingly they say that food is the MAIN thing that determines your the tune of 80% vs. only 20% as exercise.


It's always good to hear from someone who has had success with a change in diet. I hope you will continue to communicate your personal results and findings.
I eliminated processed sugar and wheat and dropped 25 lbs in 6 weeks and have kept it off. I eat lots of non starchy veggies, lots of animal products, lots of fat. I also practice Intermittent Fasting. I feel better. My labs are good. i stopped Lipitor and my blood pressure meds after consulting my doctor. I'm taking in more calories than I was previously and I'm losing fat. It works for me.


Thanks Dillon! I lost 50 pounds on McDougall diet and now I have gained 20 pounds by switching to the Pritikin diet. Your videos are motivation for me to lose that 20 pounds. Thanks again!


Awesome video Thanks Dillon! I love your "How to nuts and bolts approach " I was a junk food junkie and I watch a lot of videos to stay motivated! Well done!


"You don't need to do 2 hours of mountain climbing..." True, but I have a lot of weight to lose, so after I sorted out my diet I decided to accelerate the process by hitting the hills for a few hours a day after work. I've found that I lose around 1lb of fat for each 3 hours I spend in the mountains. Accelerating the process like this is great for morale, and I've lost up to 9lbs in a week.
Clearly this won't be practical or desirable for most, but if you enjoy a form of moderate exercise like hillwalking or cycling that can be sustained for a few hours at a time, it sure does speed things up.


Wondering how I missed this! For sure it is going in my "share" file. Thank you for another helpful lesson in eating well.


Love Dr Mcdougall....keeps things simple!


Great short and concise vid. Only thing I’d add is that whilst diet is the main factor in weight loss, doing exercise such as a walk or weight training is super important for your body as well as your mind. I definitely encourage more activity but not with the goal of weight loss, just to incorporate it as a new part of your life 🙏


Its true i lost 8.2 kgs a month without any single exercise just eat right and i love it😊


Thanks for your video. You got straight to the point and outlined everything so clearly! Thanks for sharing the information


You made a really great 👍🏼 video. It was the perfect amount of information for me😁
