More Than 100 Animals Rescued from Arkansas Puppy Mill

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Johnson County Sheriff's Department and the HSUS Animal Rescue Team worked together to rescue approximately 100 dogs, 5 cats and 2 guinea pigs.
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it's so sad because these animals have been through hell but yet they still wag their tails and show you love. animals are great sometimes.


The punishment is clear. Put the people that did this in those exact cages. But without a rescue


This is why I’ve started my own animal rescue! I just wish I was high enough to help animals in conditions like this.


It feels like God's sent down angels to rescue those poor animals.


I would ABSOLUTELY love to do this job once I turn the correct age


It must be so hard to resist the temptation of adopting one or two of the dogs every time they seize them. Especially when one dog really responds to you!


All of you that rescued these dogs, You made a big difference in the world and im glad you exist.


Спасибо вам всем и врачам и помощникам, вообщем всем кто приложил к этому спасению руку помощи.Здоровья всем.


I was a vet tech at the washington rescue league until last summer and was working there in 2009 when these precious dogs arrived. I adopted the black and white shih tzu with the cloudy eye. His name was Fundi. He passed away in August 2015. He enjoyed six years that were filled with love, affection and lots of treats! Every one of those dogs suffered from some medical condition; including problems with their sight, and respiratory problems. Fundi suffered from both and needed medication daily. Please don't support puppy mills. Ask businesses where their puppies come from and then verify the info before you adopt. And support your local shelters! Thanks everyone!


These dogs have been treated so badly but yet they are so friendly. We seriously don’t deserve dogs.


The one little dog who just laid in the back of his/her cage when the guy went to get her out especially broke my heart. I so wish I could hug that little dog so tight and let her know it’s going to be okay 😔❤️ I’m so grateful for these people who do this for these animals, I hope that someday I can be like them, maybe even work for the humane society. ❤️


Thank you to the Humane Society of America for rescuing those poor babies ❤❤


The fact that all of these animals are still so happy to see someone is wonderful. So many of them are so excited and friendly. So hard to believe that someone would harm these beautiful animals.


I'm definitely going to adopt a dog from a shelter when I can.


Dziękuję z całego serca bardzo Wam wszystkim dziękuję 🥰😍🙏🥰😍🙏🥰😍🙏🥰😍🙏🥰😍🙏


A family I know got their puppy from a puppy mill, sadly they didn't know what they were buying from until they got there. It was a huge, dark, dusty barn with even darker rooms in them to keep the dogs in. When they got there, the lady took them inside but only let them see two puppies that were kept in a small room with one window, they looked happy, but a little thin, and when they asked about that, the lady just blew it off saying it was normal for this breed, (golden doodle) to be small at birth. My friends asked to see the mom, and thats when their heart broke. The lady front what I bring her out, but when she did, the mom was thin, and obviously very, very afraid, her eyes were glazed over and looked shocked, like she hadn't seen sunlight in a long time. It was horrendous. But they knew they had to do something, so while the lady took the shaky mom back into her dark room, they took some photos of the area around them, and of the mom while she was walking away. They quickly bought their puppy, and left as soon as they could. They instantly called the police and the humane society, telling them the address and what they saw, offering to give them the proof they had. The puppies the bought threw up what looked like like beef stew in the car, my friends assumed that the people fed the puppies fatty stuff to try and make them look good before being bought. Luckily, the police and the HS where able to go there and take the place down, and now Lola, their puppy, is doing very well, she is happy with her big yard, loving family and healthy life style❤


Those poor dogs were just used for breeding. They were never meant to be in loving homes like their puppies who were sold for profit. So sad.


Those little faces, all so sad, so hopeful. All they want is a loving home that will nourish their bodies and souls.


Please God bless these wonderful organizations and good people who TRULY help and care for our innocent animals and children and our planet with all they need to continue saving lives. In Jesus name Amen


It is so satisfying to know that they're free
