We Happy Few - Funfactor Explained

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Karak sits down to talk about the unique elements inside We Happy Few, despite some of the technical issues still remaining after the first patch. Story discussion has no spoilers.

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Thanks to all for watching and thanks to the patrons for discussing these videos with me and really pushing me to have fun doing them.


Been watching a few Let's Play's and seems right up my alley. I love movies like A Clockwork Orange and this seems like that from a story perspective. Gameplay seems like a Dishonored vibe. It may be in the 'hidden gem ' category and I love those games. I like all kinds of games that aren't super popular but I enjoy them despite their lack of popularity. As long as the person playing it enJOYs it then that's all that matters.


Thanks, Karak. I was pretty disappointed because I had high hopes for this game, and your review made me nervous, so I was on the fence about getting it. But I'm a story hound, and this follow up made me decide to pick it up after all. You're the best, ma dude.


For single player story driven games this game is a win in so many ways; it smack you on the head and drags you to a place that is familiar and strange at the same time. Playing the Early Access makes me see the vastly different games that came to exist when Gearbox got involved. It suck the game is so expensive but for me it is a definite game that goes on the list of play at least once in you life.


I wasn't going to buy this, but now that i know it's a great and engaging story, i definitely will when it drops down in price.

$30 for this game seems very fair


Wanted to ask if ACG ever planned on doing a DOS 2 review or maybe a DOS 2 Definitive Edition review in the future since he did so with DOS (Divinity Original Sin).
Would really like him taking a look at the game.


The pricing point bugs me. $60 dollars? Really, Randy? How much more money does Borderlands 3 need?


It seems like if they they didn't go for the Rogue-like(?) procedural angle, and just developed a linear story and put effort into a rock solid level design and maybe approached it more like the recent Prey or even Dishonored, it would have been better. It doesn't seem technology is quite where it needs to be to do a FP game like this. I don't know...but I don't enjoy stealth games, nor do I enjoy survival games where most of the time I'm having to forage for supplies - so this one, while intriguing in look, style and story is still a HARD PASS for me. Maybe if I see it in a few years for $7 in the bargain bin.


This game has cult classic written all over it. It's not AAA but I am having a great time playing it. Reminds me of one of my favourite games last gen Alice the Madness Returns.

I am biased though as an ardent fan of dystopian fiction such as Brave New World and 1984 which this game is heavily influenced by.


I have we happy few and I really like it it's an amazing game!


Starting at 3:23 there is some dialog in the game about apples being a great source of vitamin C for those who need to fight off a case of scurvy. The thing that jumped out at me is that it's oranges that are famously rich in vitamin C while I've never heard any such thing about apples. Curious to see if apples were unsung heroes in this regard I spent a minute searching on google only to learn that while they do have some vitamin C, it's only a tenth of what oranges have and even less than that compared to guavas and some other exotic fruits such as kiwis. I'd like to think that there is a story behind that statement in the game (e.g. authorities tell people apples are great for this purpose for reasons of their own even though they know they aren't) but can't help wondering if it isn't a case of lazy writing because someone couldn't be bothered to verify their facts before putting that dialog into the game. Maybe this is a petty point to some, but for me this was the equivalent of a character saying that the sky is green or the grass is blue... saying something so obviously false jars me out of a game world.


They should have just made a story driven BioShock clone. Using the basic ideas it could have been a win win!


I watched the first half of the gameplay because I was intrigued by the Orwell reference at the beginning.
Obviously I haven't seen the entire game but the register just feels wrong somehow, the balance between the darkness and the irony is just off.

It could have been executed much better for me personally.


Looking at the thematic content of this game, the devs definitely read Brave New World.


Hey Karak! Are you gonna do the review for Phantom Doctrine please? :)


I never cared for procedural generated levels in any game


Thanks for the original review and this excellent follow-up. You motivated me to pick this title up and give it a shot.


I played this alot on early access about a year ago and looks very different now. Cant wait to jump back in


they worked 5 years on this but the game still play mediacore very disappointed


Well... Do you think it's worth buying now???
