How God SURPRISED US With These Signs | Catholic Spiritual Life

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How God surprised us with these signs. When striving to live the Catholic spiritual life, sometime God surprises with unexpected signs of goodness. Today we share a few of those times which happend this week. God indeed surprised us with a few unexpected blessings that brought great joy to our family. We hope you enjoy this video on our experience of the surprise signs of God.

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"Every comment that is not given to Jesus is stolen from Him."


"Every thought that is not given to Jesus is stolen from Him." Very profound. May God take captive my thoughts and order them to glorify Him alone.


This morning I was struck by your talk about making myself the hero of the story. I hope I become more aware of that flaw in myself now. It is something I have done most of my life when I ponder the state of my family, the world, and our Church. We all know who is the real superhero...Christ.


We say this prayer "I release you from the pain you have caused me"


My oldest daughter always said, " Mom it not always about you" and now I get it! Ironically I was just thinking about this this morning. I need to let go of everything I can't fix. My grandkids always tell me they are OK and I think NO, they need my help. Their mother, my daughter died 7 years ago and I am not their super hero but I think I am. Also, I will be asking my brother forgiveness for all the pain and hurt I put myself and him through since we were younger.I have 10 siblings and he is always the one that makes me crazy but he will do anything for you. I just turned 70 and God is still leading me to were I need to be. That is why I have been given this life lesson today. Thank-you and God bless you with peace and love.


When we stop believing in luck or coincidence, we are able to witness God's presence and intervention in anything and everything in our life And it truly is a humbling experience as it demonstrates just how much He cares for us He never ceases to surprise us if we only seek Him with faith Thank you for today's sharing and for being such a blessing 🙂


Jesus Keeps me Safe and Free And Gives me Love and Peace 😇 Just Believe Jesus!


That's so true Janelle, it is in the regular things in life that God just appears and helps out in those things, making life just a bit easier and surprising.


This talk seems like for me today😀 how amazing God gave you that wisdom and knowledge to share to others❤️ GLORY BE TO THE ONE WHO LOVES US ALL🙏🏻


Thank you so much! This brought me to a memory when my youngest son lost his iPod he was 8 and loved to sing . We had been away the weekend and could not find on our return. I prayed to St Anthony many times and looked over the house for months. One day he came to me in tears and said "I guess I'll never find it" 😥 I prayed earnestly to St Anthony and literally 30 secs later, I went to a cupboard that I searched a hundred times ...reached in...opened a book and it fell out! He was elated! God loves His little ones! I realized that God was showing me (and him) how to pray with conviction! 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for this talk today, I live in Florida and every morning I thank GOD for living here 🙏😇🙏


Hello my friends l thank God for couples like you.


Wow. How Awesome. I've gone thru that too. When we can't or won't God's comes in to show he much he loves this child!!


Yes, those upsetting memories pop up most of the time of people we resent, so you know what I do? I either say in my mind, “Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph save souls.” or “I send a blessing to my sister Lucy and wish her well.” Or which ever person pops in your mind. I say this in my mind repeatedly, so I kick the enemy in the butt. and another think I say, “Thank you Jesus bless her or him.” or I just say to the enemy, “Remember your future!” It’s hard living around some people because I live in a three story retirement facility, but that’s ok, because the Lord is teaching me to love, love, love like he did with his grace, Amen! Thank you Janelle and Ken! 🙋🏻‍♀️❤️🕊


We have had so many Miracles in our life, and still are. One was we were having company and I told God we didn't. have good sheets to put on the bed. We came home from the grocery store and a bag was on our doorstep with some hand me down clothes for are family and on the bottom 2 or 3 packages of unopened sheets and pillow cases from JCPennys. Never told anyone but God about the sheets and didn't find out for a year or two that a friend felt she should bring us some sheets. God never fails us when we trust Him for everything.


Definitely God has fingerprints and leading my life . Before moved to USA my parish was Our Lady Guadalupe, and I found prayer group devotion in my USA parish gir Her 🙏🏻 awesome, one of power resources when I was far from family. After 10 years moving to Brazil, looking for houses to buy ( we visited 21), we found a parish 4 minutes by walk, with devoted group of prayer to Jesus merciful. I'm so blessed. Coincidence?? No, definitely God's plan. Blessed week for all


THIS EPISODE WAS FOR ME🙏🏼 Absolutely powerful episode- I'll be saving this gem for sure. Thank you both💚


You guys are awesome! You have great knowledge of our catholic faith! For the last 8 years I am learning everything I can about God. I am Polish so I mostly listen to Polish catholic retreats, homily, conferences etc. I read religion books and practice catholic faith. I am so happy that you guys are teaching catholic faith in English in such easy to understand and beautiful way. I want to thank you from my heart for your beautiful work. You are example for young people. My daughter is 19. She has a strong faith. She is listening to you. You are an excellent role model.


If memories keep coming up- God is allowing this to happen for a reason. Often this is that we need healing in this area. Of course forgiveness is part of this...but the person probably needs to speak through this and have someone who is experienced in the healing of memories to pray with them. I have experienced huge freedom from healing of memories. God bless you and your family.


I love your explanation of forgiveness as a release of debt ❤️ 💙 💜
