kINDERSPIEL loves... Stapelstein!
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Stephan Schenk previously product designer at Herzog and DeMeuron, founded Stapelstein together with Hannah König in 2016. In their opinion exercise is key to a holistic, healthy development of every child and should therefore be an integral part of the children’s everyday life. However, movement has never been so lacking in children’s lives as it is today. Stapelstein offers a moving and sustainable alternative that enables a wide range of movement and creativity in a limited space with the whole body. Besides this the stacking stones and their beautiful aesthetic enrich any home and encourage imagination and flexibility. Playing with Stapelstein is how children can reach their full potential as they are engaged in endless open-ended play without boundaries! Besides this, the stacking stones are environmentally friendly and sustainable and their production takes place entirely in Germany. Stapelstein can be 100% recycled and has already won several renowned awards.