The Problem with Calling Everyone a Narcissist

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Is the term narcissism thrown around too loosely these days?

Sadia Khan suggests we've diluted the seriousness of its meaning.

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Lol. She kind of has a point but she’s essentially claiming people who haven’t learned to recognize a narcissist are the only reliable source for determining who a narcissist is. Some of us have learned from our abusers and have developed a radar to spot the low-empathy self-serving people.


That sounds like something a narcissist would say.


By that logic she is also a narcissist for calling people who call others a narcissist a narcissist. Kind of checks out too as she does appear very superficial


She often seems to just blanket statement behaviours and give quite counterproductive/ dangerous statements. Most likely for clicks and so she gets to do the podcast rounds.

What if it’s not ‘most’ people but, some people? Yes some narcissists no doubt do this, because they have too been made more aware of the the traits, just like other people who are victims to narcissists and are educating themselves without the ability to first go to a psychologist/counselling to discover this.

These kind of statements could now no doubt be added to a narcissist’s repertoire when someone justly calls out /questions their behaviour. ‘Well you must be the narcissist, because MOST people saying someone is, is one themselves!’


Videos like this are a perfect example of why short form videos shouldn't be made by using exerpts from longer form content. The greater context gets lost and everyone throws a bitchfit about what is in the short.


Those calling out narcissists are not narcissists themselves nor they want to be a victim, they are actually targets, who's life's are ruined. And the movement just mentioned is a evolution of consciousness. So, it is not safe to speak up and less safer not


So the moment I recognise narcissism I then magically havent been abused anymore. Doesnt make sense.


This woman’s speech here, this is a prime example of how the word “narcissist” has been overused as a trendy word 😅


I think many probably DID try to please the narcissist, in some cases for decades. Til it became too abusive.

She swings a broad sword here.


Wow. The mental gymnastics in tgis comment section 🙄

This is all objectively true. I have lived this relationship for 20 years. She is right and I'm glad she has the guts to call out this psychoanalytical hysteria.

She also said the movement is causing everyone to be overprotective of their emotions. What a great interview!


True, I mean when I was in a relationship with a narcissist I started to think I was. I also thought I had BPD because he had all of things. I went to my therapist and asked her if I had any of those things. She said I didn't. She eventually saw all the messages from him and said I was dealing with narcissistic abuse. However, it was so traumatic it made more alert to narcissistic behavior.


I find her extremely manipulative and sometimes feel she is grandiose and narcissistic Infact!


This lady always gives me the ick… love Mark, and surprised she was invited on.


Whether this is an excerpt or not the post is quite irresponsible. The bottom line is if you feel bullied and abused and you don’t feel you’re being heard when you try to ask for basic respect get out! If they com after you, get help! Don’t worry about the label.


I’m not sure you can boil it down to something as basic as that, although, yeast the term is thrown around far too often.


I am sure this is true in some cases, but 9 out of 10 is a strong term. Ultimately this sounds like victim shaming and that's messed up. By her logic if you have managed to unpack enough trauma to figure out you are being abused by a narcissist, you are a narcissist yourself.


We all have narcissistic symptoms to a certain extent. And it's important to care for yourself.

But when you start valuing these traits so much that you stop caring for others, you are officially a narcissist.


About time someone has said it! Thank you very much for ripping the band-aid off!


Her saying this is dangerous. Where did she get the statistic 9 out of 10? This is completely excusing the fact that people have started to learn about mental health and the traits that make a narcissist. And now the narcissist can use this to excuse their behaviour.


One thing that doesn't often get pointed out is that there are narcasisitic behaviors and people who are narcasisits.

The difference is that it's easier to correct a behavior. Obviously, the person needs to be willing to change and grow.

But, the point is that unless you have the proper training, it's very easy to finger point and assume someone's intentions.
