Composer career development tips from Hollywood — Guerrilla Film Scoring

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Guerrilla Film Scoring: Practical Advice from Hollywood Composers
✪✪✪ The book & the documentary ✪✪✪
A straightforward do-it-yourself manual, this guide will help composers at all levels create the best-sounding scores quickly and cost effectively—without jeopardizing their art.
By composer & orchestrator Jeremy Borum
The qualities that sustain a composer’s career are not related to the art of music. Your music needs to be brilliant and original, but that alone is not enough, just like a great steak alone doesn’t keep a restaurant in business. A product by itself does not build or sustain a business, and that is very often misunderstood by artists in all mediums. Musicians are usually focused on the creative process and on making an end product that is high quality and has integrity. They hope that their art will speak for itself and draw attention to them over time, but that is usually a false hope. There is too much music in the world and too much media being consumed for that hope to be realized, except in a handful of cases. Making a high quality product and dropping it into film festivals or iTunes is like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it out to sea. Only one in a million will have any result. Your music needs to be great, but other things build and sustain your business.
✪✪✪ The book & the documentary ✪✪✪
A straightforward do-it-yourself manual, this guide will help composers at all levels create the best-sounding scores quickly and cost effectively—without jeopardizing their art.
By composer & orchestrator Jeremy Borum
The qualities that sustain a composer’s career are not related to the art of music. Your music needs to be brilliant and original, but that alone is not enough, just like a great steak alone doesn’t keep a restaurant in business. A product by itself does not build or sustain a business, and that is very often misunderstood by artists in all mediums. Musicians are usually focused on the creative process and on making an end product that is high quality and has integrity. They hope that their art will speak for itself and draw attention to them over time, but that is usually a false hope. There is too much music in the world and too much media being consumed for that hope to be realized, except in a handful of cases. Making a high quality product and dropping it into film festivals or iTunes is like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it out to sea. Only one in a million will have any result. Your music needs to be great, but other things build and sustain your business.